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Is "For richer or poorer" a reason to stay M?

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Sometimes in a "no-win" scenario we tend to give up easily- looking at the odds against us...Divorce would hopefully be a last option for anyone.God is hating a divorcing-Mal.2;16.Your efforts to save this train wreck will not go unnoticed,so please hang in there...Today ,he may not see it, but tomorrow he may.Never be anxious about the next day,for the next day will have its own anxieties.Math6;34.Continue to be remain strong yet humble in both of your behalves.Unfortunetly he is not taking the lead in this marraige and that only leaves one other person to manage this effort in the right direction,you.Talking to him ,and or yelling, has not altered his direction but like the old saying goes,actions speak louder......Your loving attitude and mildly aggressive approach to resolve matters peaceably ,will sooner or later speak louder than you could ever yell.'Paul' lovingly counceled the Corinthian congregation that "a wife was not to depart from her husband and a husband should not leave his wife".And further on he says "for,wife,how do you know but that you will save your husband?Or husband how do you know but that you will save your wife? 1Cor.7;10-16.Anyone can change..And like it was mentioned before,he may not be ready yet.Pray for patience and understand that the potential to change is in all of us and we tend to hold tightly on to the person of our youth.You may or may not be able to lead him to a healthy personality.Just think of the time when you look back at this situation.You can say without any regrets, that you put every resource and effort into a respectable outcome.Whichever way it turns out you will be left with 'peace of mind' which was said to more valuable than treasures.

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