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Please read this and tell me what you think.

Average Joe

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Average Joe

Well, there are really two different situations here. First, my girlfriend hasn't contacted me in like a week. But that is neither of our faults because her job has her working non stop and she has passion for that job. So that doesn't really bother me. But I found a lump in my scrotum and got it checked out. They cut it out of me and sent it to a lab to see if it was cancer. I explained that whole situation to her in a recent email that I sent to her. It's been 2 days since that has happened and I haven't had any response yet.


Second, her and I have been together for quite some time now and she seems to be passionate about me. (Except for the past week of course) But everyone she knows (friends, and family) have lied to me about the way she is going about our relationship. Her nieghbor has told me that she has another boyfriend, her mom told me that she wants to have nothing to do with me and that she is engaged to someone else. But when I confront her about it, she denies it all and says that I'm the only guy that she wants to be with. I don't know her family and friends personally, and I've never had the oppertunity to get to know them. But for some reason it seems like they don't want me with her and they don't like me. But like I said, they don't know me, therefor, have no reason to feel this way. I don't know who to belive, I don't know what is going on. I just sent her another email this morning telling her exactly what I'm telling you and hoping to god that she replies. I mean I honestly think she has all of a sudden stopped caring about me. Does it look like that to you too? Or is this in my head. Because I'm having trouble with it..

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This is really strange. First, I think you should really evaluate whether you would want a lady whose mother is so whacky she has told you she wants nothing to do with you and her daughter (your girlfriend) is engaged to someone else.


Second, I assume that if you are closely dating you have telphonic contact with your lady. Give her a call and see if she is still alive. If you have no phone for her at work, get in your car or take a cab to check to be sure she is still alive. If she is and has elected not to reply to your Email, write her off and be on your way. That is way too rude.


If she actually got the mail that discussed your recent and very serious medical situation and didn't call you or come over to express deep concern, she just plain doesn't care anything about you...and her mother wasn't lying to you.


Have you confronted her about all these stories about her being engaged to someone else, etc.? What has she told you?


This is not a cool relationship at all. If she was really into you, her friends and neighbors wouldn't be telling you the crap they have been and her mother would like you more. On the other hand, maybe her mother likes you enough to tell you about this engagement or to keep you away from her screwed up daughter. Maybe her mother is being charitable to you.


You better go do some detective work and put this to bed today. Don't go another day not knowing what's going on here. This is really weird.


I'd get away from this chick if I were you. There's not a lot that smells good around this whole scenario.

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Sorry, I disagree with going over there to see if she is still alive. If she wasn't okay you would have heard about it from the family and friends. Write it off. By going there, you are demanding to be heard, and how does that make you look? Desperate, pathetic.......


Personally, I would never ignore something serious and stressful in someone's life even if they were the delivery boy, much less someone who should mean something to me. There is the possibility that she hasn't read her e-mail in 2 days, but when she does you should definitely hear from her. As for being busy with the job...who's not busy? You still take time, however short, to communicate briefly with friends and family. Bet she had time to have lunch.


Looking back on one particular relationship I had, one of the most grateful moments was when a best friend of his told me very kindly that perhaps this was not worth the energy I was putting into it. Perhaps since you have heard this from more than one person, and she has not communicated with you, they are doing you a HUGE favor.

Well, there are really two different situations here. First, my girlfriend hasn't contacted me in like a week. But that is neither of our faults because her job has her working non stop and she has passion for that job. So that doesn't really bother me. But I found a lump in my scrotum and got it checked out. They cut it out of me and sent it to a lab to see if it was cancer. I explained that whole situation to her in a recent email that I sent to her. It's been 2 days since that has happened and I haven't had any response yet.


Second, her and I have been together for quite some time now and she seems to be passionate about me. (Except for the past week of course) But everyone she knows (friends, and family) have lied to me about the way she is going about our relationship. Her nieghbor has told me that she has another boyfriend, her mom told me that she wants to have nothing to do with me and that she is engaged to someone else. But when I confront her about it, she denies it all and says that I'm the only guy that she wants to be with. I don't know her family and friends personally, and I've never had the oppertunity to get to know them. But for some reason it seems like they don't want me with her and they don't like me. But like I said, they don't know me, therefor, have no reason to feel this way. I don't know who to belive, I don't know what is going on. I just sent her another email this morning telling her exactly what I'm telling you and hoping to god that she replies. I mean I honestly think she has all of a sudden stopped caring about me. Does it look like that to you too? Or is this in my head. Because I'm having trouble with it..

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