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till you die

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Well I'd like opinions. Do substances enhance or detract from life?(human) Of course I've made up my mind. The goal is to get someone to think outside their normal opinion. Isn't every living being addicted to something before the end(ie air, food, water). If you think I'm being luducrus thats up to you to decide. As if addiction only equates to "extras," is not right for the very defintion of being addicted something is that one cannot live without that something. Am I stupid or is it the chemicals speaking?? speak up

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While the other 'addictions' you mention can do some damage to people, they don't do as much damage as quickly as do 'recreational' drugs (and I'm including booze in this). Given that you've only got one go here, it seems to me the height of foolishness to damage the only vehicle you've got.


Two other considerations: one is that addictions by their nature control you and I am exceedingly resistant to being controlled by anything. The other is that if I'm going to be here, I want to be fully present. I don't want any stupid chemicals clouding my perception or messing with my brain. I most especially don't want to feel artificially-induced feelings. My own biochemistry is plenty to deal with without adding extra doses into the mix.


Note: this is NOT a rant against properly prescribed meds needed to enact repairs. This is about taking drugs you don't need.

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People can't live without food, water or air but they can live without additional "substances." Even if they are addicted to those "substances" it is possible, though not necessarily probable that they can kick the addiction.


It could be "the chemicals speaking."

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