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AHH! im really confused please help!

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Ok, so im seeing this girl for 3 months approx. My feelings for her are not as strong her feelings for me... and now recently, we always play " guess what i wrote on your back" and was able to give tips. so the

tips were;


3 words

first word starts with i

last word ends with e

and the first letter of the second word was a h ( such as heart?)

she then added it could start with a letter (L...Love????)


I dont know if she was trying to write about love... but it got me freaked.

I dont know if i feel the same way about her, i dont want to take advantage of her either because she has already been calling me a tease.


So i dont know what to do... Should i wait it out? and should i just give in to my wants and fool around with her?

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