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Wife ADDICTED to addiction. No kidding! Help!

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Need some advice - not sure wtf to do here.


Been married 14 years, 2 kids. Good marriage for the most part. Had a drinking problem and quit a long time ago, wife had a few addiction problems too. All better -- except for one thing.


She's gotten completely hooked on a couple of internet sites and become OBSESSED with the issue of pornography. I see some people here talking about porn, so maybe y;all can help.


I've always looked at porn once in a while. Never really hid it. Maybe I did do it too much sometimes, and I totally agree that it can be a problem.


About a year ago, my wife caught me at it. She totally freaked, which is wierd since we've done it together before. I mean freaked. Crying for days.


So she starts spending hours and hours online, and ends up at an anti-porn board. Makes a bunch of friends and tells me I'm addicted, that I have a disease. Here's the link to the board, if that's aloud:






Okay, so she gets kinda wierd on me and starts reading books about it constantly. Sex vanishes and she starts putting on weight.


Okay, so I quit porn. Havent' touched it since. Not cuz I think I had a problem, but cuz I don't care about it all that much and she was just freakin out about it.


Things started to get better, even tho she was spending way way waytoo much time online talking about porn addiciton, even tho i hadn't touched it in many months.


And THEN a couple months ago she hooked up with a new site of women who, well, its like a cult. These people hate men like you wouldnt believe. Its called Moms Against Porn or something like that, like MAD. I guess they set it up to rip on the men and women on the other board I checked it out and its, well, disturbing.


Here's the link (please delete if not alloud):





The thing is -- my wife is getting wierd because of it. She's angry all the time, and totally anti-male now. I'm especially worried because this man-hating thing is even showing up in how she treats our son, and she's started openly brainwashing our daughter.




I gave up porn. It didn't help. She doesn't even believe me, even though I've told her to check all she wants.


I've even gone to counseling, even though I haven't touched porn in almost a year now. I'm doing anything to make her happy.


But SHES the one with the addiction. To these boards. To the internet.


WHAT DO I DO? I'm so clueless. All the hate is destroying our marriage, and Im not causing it, but Im getting the anger. Help.

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What you do is what she did. Ask her to go to counseling. If she refuses, you will then have to decide if you can live with her addiction or if you want to issue an ultimatum (go to counseling or you're gone).

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your wife sounds like shes become obsesed.Shes probably made friends on these sites.The last one was truly disturbing but I must say we could use some of their "happy faces" .You guys need to do some counciling ,and you need to put your foot down on the brainwashing of your daughter.Good luck.

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Geez, that last site is reall mean! It isn't people dealing with their problems and getting support, it is mostly mean ladies saying really really mean things about other ladies and men who don't agree with them...... hmm... although I agree there is a lot of direct and indirect exploitation in the porn industry, the majority of people in porn are in it because they made their own choice as adults that that is what they want to do... maybe they had a crappy reason like money for a drug addiction or low self esteem, but it is still their choice... I know that isn't the topic of this or any post, just something that occured to me...

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Thank you for all your responses. I replied longer on the thread in the "marriage" forum. Sorry to post in different places -- I wasnt sure where to ask. Won't happen again!

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