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Will you miss the one you love (like)?

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I still find myself missing the one I love ( I like very much) as I made a decision to leave her and dated other girl last year.I feel totally guilty in front of my gf although she doesn't know a bit of this.This is something secret inside my heart.I don't know if she's still missing me as I did pretty damn rude when told her that I had no feeling of her.Please tell me what should I do. I really miss her but she is leaving US and will get married with other guy.I feel regret to make such a decision now.I may feel regret for the rest of my life.

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Keep the past in the past. Forget about her. It looks like she has moved on with her life, and you should do the same. And now she's about to get married to some guy. So what makes you think she will come back to you now?

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I think you really loved your ex and broke away from her because you were terrified of your feelings and afraid of long term committment.


Very often men who are afraid of their feelings and of intimacy will do everything possible to break up a great thing...because of their fear. When all is over, they are massively unhappy and depressed because they let go of a person they truly loved.


Well, don't fret. If she wasn't engaged and you got back with her, you would do the same thing again. The fear is still there.


If you don't want this to happen again and again in your life...if you don't want to continue to sabatoge relationships that are really good for you, seek competent counselling to delve into the reasons for this. Learn strategies to overcome your fears, whatever their reasons are, so you can enjoy real love in the future.


Now, there is also the chance that you are just feeling a little bit of jealousy. It is pretty normal to feel odd when an ex, someone we loved in the past, falls in love and plans to marry someone else. If that's the case here, you'll get over it pretty quick.


Forget this lady who is moving the U.S. to get married. Right now, get yourself straightened out so you don't find yourself in this same situation again.

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You're just gonna have to live with the regret and guilt for the rest of your life. Get on with yours.

I still find myself missing the one I love ( I like very much) as I made a decision to leave her and dated other girl last year.I feel totally guilty in front of my gf although she doesn't know a bit of this.This is something secret inside my heart.I don't know if she's still missing me as I did pretty damn rude when told her that I had no feeling of her.Please tell me what should I do. I really miss her but she is leaving US and will get married with other guy.I feel regret to make such a decision now.I may feel regret for the rest of my life.
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