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Sweet story thought I'd share

little d

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A lady I know is an only child. Her parents are both from families where they are the only child. My friend has gotten engaged to a wonderful man. Next month is there wedding and my friend couldn't help but feel a little sad that when she changed her last name there would be no one to carry on her family name after her. As a surprise her husband to be is taking HER last name. He said they'll try for lots of boys and girls to keep it going! he he


Such a sweet story I thought I would share it.





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While it is a touching story, as a man it would seem pretty goofy if a lady I was engaged to became sad because there was nobody to pass on her parent's name. I mean...that's not what kids are for. And when you're dead, you really don't know or care about any of that anyway.


I think it was very sweet of this man to give her this benefit...because he is obviously very rational and sane and without ego and sees all this exactly the way I do.


I just hope her last name isn't Lipschitz. Enough of those. Or could it be Smith, Jones, or Blake?


All kidding aside, a very nice story and thank you for sharing.

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