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Is there such a thing as a "male" slutt?

Sick to Stomach...

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Sick to Stomach...

Recently discovered some startling revealations about live-in boyfriend of one year. Turns out he's NOT the wholesome, sexually novice, anti-casual-sex prince he first made himself out to be. Now I find myself stunned and suddenly afraid of the risk I've put myself at. Even angry at myself for being so gullable. But then I wonder..."am I just oldfashioned?...Paranoid?" Afterall, I was faithfully married for 15 years. Perhaps I'm just behind the times?


Would it be considered "extreme" for a single man to have had 21 different sexual partners between the ages of 18 and 30?...Or is this just the "average" these days???!


Help!...I'm pulling my hair out!

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For some, it's very modern, too much, and too less. You have to think about the people that haven't been married for half their life (give or take). If you're single and trying to find the right person for the right relationships, you might have gone through a few. But Maybe he was just a wild guy and sex was just sex for him. You really can't judge him on his past experiences though. Don't dwell on it, just enjoy each other.

Recently discovered some startling revealations about live-in boyfriend of one year. Turns out he's NOT the wholesome, sexually novice, anti-casual-sex prince he first made himself out to be. Now I find myself stunned and suddenly afraid of the risk I've put myself at. Even angry at myself for being so gullable. But then I wonder..."am I just oldfashioned?...Paranoid?" Afterall, I was faithfully married for 15 years. Perhaps I'm just behind the times? Would it be considered "extreme" for a single man to have had 21 different sexual partners between the ages of 18 and 30?...Or is this just the "average" these days???!


Help!...I'm pulling my hair out!

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YOU ASK: "Would it be considered "extreme" for a single man to have had 21 different sexual partners between the ages of 18 and 30?"


That's 21 partners in 12 years, or 1.75 partners per year...or less than 1 partner every six months. I wouldn't call this casual sex at all. 1.75 partners would be considered a bad day for some men.


There is no average number of sex partners for a man. But you simply can't judge a man as a slut because of your guy's statistics. To many, he would be considered a very poor performer in the volume department. There are many men who have had so many partners in five or six years they've lost count and can't remember them.


Why is this so important? While sex may be a very special union for two people in love, it can also be a step up from shaking hands for two people who just want to have sex. Actually, you can get more of a variety of diseases shaking hands than you can having sex and it's not even close to being as much fun. (You have no idea how many people use the bathroom and don't wash their hands...and then go out shaking hands...YUK. But most men wash their penis nicely at some point before sex. Nice, uh?)


As long as he is disease free and loyal to you, it shouldn't matter if he's had sex with several apes...well, maybe he has. Ask him.

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I could never understand why some people have the morbid curiosity to know exactly how many sexual partners their lover has had...then when they find out they freak, the number's either too low or too high in their mind. He's 30 years old, of course he has a past. What matters now, is how he treats you, if he's respectful and faithful to your relationship. Now, if he were screwing other women during your relationship, then you could call him a slut.

Recently discovered some startling revealations about live-in boyfriend of one year. Turns out he's NOT the wholesome, sexually novice, anti-casual-sex prince he first made himself out to be. Now I find myself stunned and suddenly afraid of the risk I've put myself at. Even angry at myself for being so gullable. But then I wonder..."am I just oldfashioned?...Paranoid?" Afterall, I was faithfully married for 15 years. Perhaps I'm just behind the times? Would it be considered "extreme" for a single man to have had 21 different sexual partners between the ages of 18 and 30?...Or is this just the "average" these days???!


Help!...I'm pulling my hair out!

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Recently discovered some startling revealations about live-in boyfriend of one year. Turns out he's NOT the wholesome, sexually novice, anti-casual-sex prince he first made himself out to be. Now I find myself stunned and suddenly afraid of the risk I've put myself at. Even angry at myself for being so gullable. But then I wonder..."am I just oldfashioned?...Paranoid?" Afterall, I was faithfully married for 15 years. Perhaps I'm just behind the times? Would it be considered "extreme" for a single man to have had 21 different sexual partners between the ages of 18 and 30?...Or is this just the "average" these days???!


Help!...I'm pulling my hair out! I don't think that is extreme but it is a lot of partners in thirteen years. To me it seems as if he's not a consistent person, but we don't know how long those relationships were. Like I said not extreme but a "ho!"

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