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Recently I am chased by a 30's woman,a very fussy one,likes to tease me in front of my colleagues to get my attention.You know, this woamn is really a bitch, i can't stand her making use of every chance to tease me,so I talk back every time,have nothing to do with flirting.But she tells my colleagues i like her.Guys please advise how to get rid of her.Don't tell me to get another job ,i need this job and this bitch is my colleague


Temporary I have no gf, just wanna be alone until I meet my princess.I'm 40 ,not ugly,never have been married,got a decent job.I think there is nothing wrong for being single with no gf.


I just wanna get rid of her!

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Have you told her straight up that you're not interested? I'm not sure what you mean by you talk back to her everytime she teases you in front of your colleagues, but it could be that she interprets your sarcasm as flirtation. On the other hand, maybe she really doesn't like you at all, maybe the opposite. So when she sees that she's getting a rise out of you and embarrassing you, she thinks it's a hoot. If that's the case, then in the future when she does this, don't give her the satisfaction of a reaction, that's her reward in this little game, if you don't let it get to you, she'll most likely stop.


You don't say how she teases you, but if it's in anyway sexual, then discuss it with your superiors, women can be guilty of sexual harrassment as well, I think. In the future, just try to remain calm, cool and professional in your dealings with her and hopefully she'll get the message.

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Eeew, how horrid! Why do people seem to think that their work colleagues are fair game for aggressive teasing, flirtation and general invasive interaction? You're a co-worker not a family member or part of her posse of friends, so unless you indicate that you welcome increased familiarity from her, she ought to be keeping the conversation civil -- and oriented toward work!


Obviously she's not very well versed in office decorum. Or she has misread your position. So I'd suggest that you deflect all innappropriate comments with silence. Just ignore her banter, no matter how grating the remarks. She's doing it to get a rise out of you, for whatever reason. Maybe she likes you and tries to flirt with insulting jabs. Maybe she's taken an irrational dislike of you. Maybe she's just bored and looking to have some fun. But who cares, really? If she demands a reply, respond with distracted puzzlement, as if you hadn't really been listening and can't imagine why she's talking to you in the first place. Be careful not to be insulting because that only fuels the dynamic she initiates. Just be supremely disinterested in anything she has to say. And if her remarks get really personal, if they are outrageously insulting, you should definitely alert a superior. No one should have to tolerate harrassment in the workplace. Besides, it interferes with productivity. This woman obviously has too much time on her hands ....


good luck!

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