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deseperate girl

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deseperate girl

is it possible for an ex to still love his girlfriend after the break up and pls tell me some of the signs that shows that an ex is still in love.i think we still have feelings for each other but we try to pretend that we don't.pls help me cos i think i'm falling in love with him again.

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Average Joe

Hey, I just got out of a relationship because the woman didn't show any concern for a serious medical condition. She also told me that she loved me and did nothing to show it. But I am still in love with her and I am pretty heart broken about it. I don't know, your situation just sounds so similiar to mine. I just thought I'de share it with you, sorry there is no real advise here.

is it possible for an ex to still love his girlfriend after the break up and pls tell me some of the signs that shows that an ex is still in love.i think we still have feelings for each other but we try to pretend that we don't.pls help me cos i think i'm falling in love with him again.
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is it possible for an ex to still love his girlfriend after the break up and pls tell me some of the signs that shows that an ex is still in love.i think we still have feelings for each other but we try to pretend that we don't.pls help me cos i think i'm falling in love with him again.


yes,it is possible to still be in love with an ex,or to fall in love all over again.i was only in love with one woman,and that was a roller coaster ride i'd not care to experience again.i always have feelings for this woman,i used to think she was the real deal.everytime i see her,all the old feelings come rushing back,and it is kind of rough as we never really resolved why we never stayed strong.my problem was drinking too much,and probably trust issues,lack of trust on my end.definitly very passionate in the beginning,ifyou could live on those feelings,i'd be a freaking millionaire!!those lips of hers are like kissing pure fire.hell,i lived quite awhile just on the memories of the most incredible kissing,that and her music.i truly wish she had not sang to me while we were making love,it's not fair to do that to me-dammit.and then just walk away and start that love test #####.you never start doubting,cause once you doubt,things start to change and not usually for the better.it was an exceptionally complicated situation,and most of the complications are best forgotten.##### placing blame on anyone,everyone involved should just blame themselves,i did.wisdom comes from time and learning from mistakes.when some tell me to let her go,my mind just rages these words:if you really love someone,you do not let go,you simply stand back and let things be,if it works out-fine,if not-fine.jealousy is for little children,adults shouldn't find themselves in such a situation.love is a uniquely human condition,and i believe it should never hurt,though it often does.why is that?is it anger?payback?or possibly stupidity-i mean-lack of knowledge.i would walk barefoot across a bed of glowing coals if she asked me to.still!i don't know if that is love or just plain stupid.i might be a geezer,but i know how to make her happier than those boys do.i call it drumming,or tuning a guitar,some just call it conversation.but when the lines of communication seem to be closed,then what?i wrote a ##### book,it's not that good,but i put some time into that.i guess stubborn people attract each other.she was always so quiet,but obviously not a pushover.basically,if you find yourself falling for an ex,i say this:run,don't walk,to the first shrink you find.are you high?????????????????????????



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I think it is possible but remember: there was a reason for the break up. Don't confuse love for care, meaning he may still have feelings for you or still care for you but perhaps not exactly love. But I think it is very possible for an ex to still love his girlfriend after the break up. Ofcourse you will still have feelings for eachother, there had to have been something that brought you together in the first place and it takes a while before you won't experience some of that when you see eachother.


I don't know how long you've been broken up so I can't really say what characterizes that a guy may still be in love with his ex. I can tell you that if the break up is fairly recent you should not see eachother because the feelings will certainly surface, especially if he broke up with you and you still loved him at the time. You need to not see him so you don't risk "falling" for him all over again because that is not healthy. If he hasn't shown any signs of trying to spend time with you, like are you guys still friends? Or is it that you happen to run into eachother and end up talking again? I don't think it's healthy but it really depends on the length of time you have been broken up.


Think about your break up, the elements that led up to it or surrounding it, some possible reasons why it happened. Then think about the pain it caused you and the feelings of rejection and ask yourself if you're not reading too much into his behavior when you are around eachother. It's natural to feel this way, that's for sure but you may wind up getting rejected again and that's something I would not want to go through again.


If you think that he may be trying to get back together then I suggest you talk to him about his feelings or maybe ask him to characterize your relationship at this point, are you friends? Are you something else? Are you anything besides ex boyfriend and girlfriend?


I hope that helps you, I am not trying to talk you out of anythign here but please do think about the possibility of being hurt again and ask yourself if you are willing to go through it again. Personally I would not but I am not you and all relationships are different, you need to figure out what yours is.


Good luck.

is it possible for an ex to still love his girlfriend after the break up and pls tell me some of the signs that shows that an ex is still in love.i think we still have feelings for each other but we try to pretend that we don't.pls help me cos i think i'm falling in love with him again.
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