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Does he have an ulterior motive?


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My male coworker friend and I can talk about anything. We both went through marriage problems around the same time as well as new relationships and heartbreak. We also agreed that we can never get drunk together :p


He is in a turbulent relationship with a woman 17 yrs younger than him and she is an imbalanced drama queen who treats him like crap.


I have been in and out of casual dating for the past year, had my hopes dashed but still go after the same guys.


My friend recently told me I need to take 3 months off of dating, off of msn and the internet dating sites. Deep down I know this would do me good. I don't "get" the msn thing though, because I have made alot of friends I talk to alot and don't feel like I can just drop them out of my life, or drop out of their lives.


He is not much of an internet user, therefore he doesn't understand chatting and online dating, and I can understand that.


Do you think he secretly wants me to be free so he can date me, and the 3 months is his way of feeling secure that I won't cheat on him or go online when things go bad?


Or is he just looking out for my best interests?

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When he ends things with his gf that is younger than him, that is when you give up the online thing. Still can keep intouch through emails abit as they are your friends. I don't think he really has a right to tell you what to do considering his situation.

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I'm sorry - I'm not seeing a correlation...


Just a friend - who doesn't understand the whole internet thing... and wants you to be cautious - especially in light of recent news reports.


He cares as a friend...

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There is no way to draw any conclusion on this with just a little info. Too many factors involved. It would not be surprising for a guyto be thinking in two directions at once.


So, he could be recommending you to chill for a while becuase IF he was interested that would enhance your situation with him. While he continues to pursue a turbulent realtionship.


A version of have his cake and eat it too?

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