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I am so confused....

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I was dating this guy this summer, I think. Then he didn't talk to me for four months - don't know why. Then recently I started talking to him. All of his friends lied and said things that I didn't say which upset him (and me). So now we have been talking and I became his "girlfriend." Now his cell phone is turned off.

Common sense says leave it alone I know.

However, he owes me money (of course) and I think that I am in love with him.

I know I should forget him and the money and move on, but I can't. I have tried.

Is this all just a game to him?? He has said it is not and some of his friends have said that he has never acted like this before with a girl - that he is really in love with me. He has said to me (and my parents) that after the New Year things will be different.

But I don't know what to do about the phone being turned off.

Please tell me what to do - but say it nicely because I have lost a lot over this guy and can't take much more.


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Sounds like this guy is a total loser.

I would run fast and not look back.

As for the $$$, It depends on how much he owes you.

If it's significant, you might to ask a friend to see if he or she can get him to pay up, if not significant enuff, then I would just go on with life.

Try to get over him.

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He owes me about $1600.

I have asked our mutual friend to deal with it - he won't. He is angry about the whole thing - that this guy and I ever got together.

Somehow this doesn't feel like it did when my "heart was broken" in high school. High school was easier.


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