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please help me.Me and my girlfriend are having problems and i think i dont love her like a girlfriend but more as a best friend and i dont have the heart to tell her what do i do

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So what are you going to do, live a lie the rest of your life because you don't have the heart to tell the truth?


Hey, it may hurt her but give her some credit for being able to handle it. You must really think you're some kind of hot stuff to think she won't be able to get over you. Listen, men and women get over people every day of the week. Of course, it's not pleasant but it has to happen...all the time.


Just be very kind and diplomatic about it but meet with her as soon as you can. Sit her down and let her know how much you care about her. But also let her know you are way too young to make a committment to anyone now and you have a great need for freedom to move around.


No matter how much she may cry, don't back off. Give her a big hug and let her know you'll be there for her. If she asks, verify that there's nobody else out there that you are interested in. It's just that right now, you're not in a head space to be with one person over a long period of time.


Let her know you're doing this for HER as much as YOU. Tell her she deserves to know the truth and you must be honest with your feelings.


If she tries to make you feel guilty or bad about being forthright and honest with her, then she's not worth wasting time with and you did the right thing anyway. If she asks if there's anything she can do to change your mind, tell he the best she can do is be a friend and be supportive of your decision.


You gotta get yourself some gonads, man. This love stuff is not for wimps.

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Tell her the truth. As soon as possible. If you don't you may wind up doing something dumb like maybe cheating on her or something, I'm not saying you will but sometimes people find ways to get out of a relationship so they don't have to actually let the other person down. My advice is to tell her the truth as soon as possible. Stop wasting your time and hers because chances are you are making her miserable too.


Also, you need to give her a little more credit, you can't in good conscience let her go on with a guy who doesn't love her in the way that she needs to be loved. If you don't tell her the truth you are sacrificing her happiness as well as your own and that's selfish.


Hope that helps. Good luck.

please help me.Me and my girlfriend are having problems and i think i dont love her like a girlfriend but more as a best friend and i dont have the heart to tell her what do i do
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please help me.Me and my girlfriend are having problems and i think i dont love her like a girlfriend but more as a best friend and i dont have the heart to tell her what do i do

Tell her...


Honesty is always the best policy. Only cowards string people along. Find out a kind way to say it, but just say it. Mad or not, in the end she'll be glad you didn't play her for a fool.

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