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1) Tony said," you can make love with your gf or masturbate or sport",


--) But the thing is I actually like this type of no strings attracted type of sex.I can do ONS but I feel I'm cheating the girl in someway.But paying make me feel less of a bad guys. Do you understand?


2) Well,I didn't tell my mom,she just knew for that. Why wouldn't a parent know about their son's tendencies.?

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YOU WRITE: "But paying make me feel less of a bad guys. Do you understand?"


No, I don't understand. You need pychological counselling to find out why you seek to avoid intimacy and why you would put your girlfriend in grave danger and the possibility of death from diseases you could spread to her.


You have serious problems which must be dealt with on an emergency basis. Your life and the life of your girlfriend are in danger. The diseases spread by prositutes are serious.


Additionally, the element in which you are dealing is known for violence. Prositutes have guns and they use them.


I am not saying you are a bad guy or a good guy. But paying for sex makes you no more or no less of either of these. It just makes you somewhat foolish and extremely inconsiderate of your girlfriend.


NEXT YOU WRITE: ") Well,I didn't tell my mom,she just knew for that. Why wouldn't a parent know about their son's tendencies.?"


Isn't it really great that your mom learned about your love of whores. Well, you told the rest of the world via the World Wide Web so it's no wonder that your mother found out some way, probably from your friends' gossip.


Regardless of how your parents found out, obviously you have no respect for them or their feelings. They know much more about the world than you do and you have broken their hearts. Any decent parents would be severely wounded inside upon learning that their son enjoyed seeing whores and also cheated on his girlfriend. They would be very fearful for his health and for his life. You have dishonored your parents but satisfying your penis seems to be more important to you than anything else in the world.


Do whatever you want with your own life but keep your parents and your girlfriend out of this. Tell her at once so she can find someone who has consideration and respect for her and her life. Say no more to your parents about this. There is no way they could guess about this unless you gave them sufficient information to make that guess.


You seem to want to dedicate your life to satisfying your sexual urges without consideration of any other people or aspects of your life. You need to go to work at a zoo with animals you have that in common with.

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Since she is getting to become better person that before, it hardly to break up,although she is materiastic girl.


What can I do?



YOU WRITE: "But paying make me feel less of a bad guys. Do you understand?" No, I don't understand. You need pychological counselling to find out why you seek to avoid intimacy and why you would put your girlfriend in grave danger and the possibility of death from diseases you could spread to her. You have serious problems which must be dealt with on an emergency basis. Your life and the life of your girlfriend are in danger. The diseases spread by prositutes are serious. Additionally, the element in which you are dealing is known for violence. Prositutes have guns and they use them. I am not saying you are a bad guy or a good guy. But paying for sex makes you no more or no less of either of these. It just makes you somewhat foolish and extremely inconsiderate of your girlfriend.


NEXT YOU WRITE: ") Well,I didn't tell my mom,she just knew for that. Why wouldn't a parent know about their son's tendencies.?"


Isn't it really great that your mom learned about your love of whores. Well, you told the rest of the world via the World Wide Web so it's no wonder that your mother found out some way, probably from your friends' gossip. Regardless of how your parents found out, obviously you have no respect for them or their feelings. They know much more about the world than you do and you have broken their hearts. Any decent parents would be severely wounded inside upon learning that their son enjoyed seeing whores and also cheated on his girlfriend. They would be very fearful for his health and for his life. You have dishonored your parents but satisfying your penis seems to be more important to you than anything else in the world. Do whatever you want with your own life but keep your parents and your girlfriend out of this. Tell her at once so she can find someone who has consideration and respect for her and her life. Say no more to your parents about this. There is no way they could guess about this unless you gave them sufficient information to make that guess. You seem to want to dedicate your life to satisfying your sexual urges without consideration of any other people or aspects of your life. You need to go to work at a zoo with animals you have that in common with.

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You asked what you can do?


1. Grasp head with hands.


2. Pull head out of your ass.


ARE YOU STUNNED? Do you know realize that you could CATCH DISEASES from these PROSTITUTES? Things like AIDS and Hepatitis C and HERPES and GONORRHEA and GENITAL WARTS......then you could spread them to your GIRLFRIEND. She could DIE. Are you an idiot? Don't you get it? If you want to risk your own health, fine...I hope your pecker falls off..........but to risk the health of your innocent, unsuspecting, trusting GIRLFRIEND is IMMORAL, RUDE, SELFISH and DISTURBING.


What kind of man are you...you have to pay WHORES to get your kicks? They don't give a sh*t about you, all you are is money to them. Don't you have any pride or self respect?


By the way..it seems you're proud of what you do, and you have a million ways to justify it...so why are you even posting on this board? What did you come here for?



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YOU WRITE: "Since she is getting to become better person that before, it hardly to break up,although she is materiastic girl. What can I do?


LET HER GO. A whore-loving guy who frequents these sluts is not the kind of guy most nice girls want to have for boyfriends. I have already told you several times how you can give her disease than can kill her.


You obviously don't understand good English. Get a friend to explain this to you.


Stop being such a selfish, sex-crazed bxstard and let your girlfriend go to find a good life for herself with someone who will be faithful to her. She will not have a good life with you once she finds out you love prostitutes.


I have seldom made contact with a more selfish, self centered, uncaring person as you in my life. You care nothing about anybody or anything but your penis. I hope it doesn't get cut off.

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YOU WRITE: "Since she is getting to become better person that before, it hardly to break up,although she is materiastic girl. What can I do? LET HER GO. A whore-loving guy who frequents these sluts is not the kind of guy most nice girls want to have for boyfriends. I have already told you several times how you can give her disease than can kill her. You obviously don't understand good English. Get a friend to explain this to you. Stop being such a selfish, sex-crazed bxstard and let your girlfriend go to find a good life for herself with someone who will be faithful to her. She will not have a good life with you once she finds out you love prostitutes. I have seldom made contact with a more selfish, self centered, uncaring person as you in my life. You care nothing about anybody or anything but your penis. I hope it doesn't get cut off.
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are you a god or something?



YOU WRITE: "But paying make me feel less of a bad guys. Do you understand?" No, I don't understand. You need pychological counselling to find out why you seek to avoid intimacy and why you would put your girlfriend in grave danger and the possibility of death from diseases you could spread to her. You have serious problems which must be dealt with on an emergency basis. Your life and the life of your girlfriend are in danger. The diseases spread by prositutes are serious. Additionally, the element in which you are dealing is known for violence. Prositutes have guns and they use them. I am not saying you are a bad guy or a good guy. But paying for sex makes you no more or no less of either of these. It just makes you somewhat foolish and extremely inconsiderate of your girlfriend.


NEXT YOU WRITE: ") Well,I didn't tell my mom,she just knew for that. Why wouldn't a parent know about their son's tendencies.?"


Isn't it really great that your mom learned about your love of whores. Well, you told the rest of the world via the World Wide Web so it's no wonder that your mother found out some way, probably from your friends' gossip. Regardless of how your parents found out, obviously you have no respect for them or their feelings. They know much more about the world than you do and you have broken their hearts. Any decent parents would be severely wounded inside upon learning that their son enjoyed seeing whores and also cheated on his girlfriend. They would be very fearful for his health and for his life. You have dishonored your parents but satisfying your penis seems to be more important to you than anything else in the world. Do whatever you want with your own life but keep your parents and your girlfriend out of this. Tell her at once so she can find someone who has consideration and respect for her and her life. Say no more to your parents about this. There is no way they could guess about this unless you gave them sufficient information to make that guess. You seem to want to dedicate your life to satisfying your sexual urges without consideration of any other people or aspects of your life. You need to go to work at a zoo with animals you have that in common with.

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I got agitated just by reading justdoit's posts. So you're saying that makes me a god too?


I totally agree with what Laurynn and Tony wrote. I think they were trying to emphasize the serious risks to his girlfriend's LIFE because of his activities.


It seems like you're annoyed by the advice that they offered him. If you disagreed with it, why don't you offer some of your own?


This is not a subject to be taken lightly. If your partner was sleeping around with dirty, possibly STD-carrying hookers, I'm sure you'd be pretty furious.

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YOU ASK: "are you a god or something?"


No, I just play one on TV.


I am pretty passionate about people cheating on their girlfriends with prostitutes they think really like them for themselves. But even more, I am terrified that I will leave a world to my children where the people think it's absolutely OK to have a girlfriend or a wife and regularly visit hookers, taking away big money they should be spending on their families, and otherwise conduct themselves in family, job, and life-threatening ways.


I am not agitated even in the slightest. If this guy dies of AIDS...or whatever happens in his life...he could live one block from me and I would never know it or be affected by it.


I am amused by his lack of morality and depth of understanding social, emotional and health issues.

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