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Okay this is what happened. I known this girl at work for a little while and I always thought she was sweet, However I never talked to her too often so for that I slap myself lol. Okay 2 days ago I saw her at work and I asked if she wanted to see a movie she aggreed however when we go there the movies where finishing up so we sat in her car and a had a coversation, A 3 HOUR CONVERSATION!, I asked her if she wants to go out sometime she said yes she is willing to give me a shot (Okay here is a bad thing about me I kinda have a problem of lacking self courage i'm shy :(.. /sigh) okay yesturday I called her and asked if she wanted to go chill with me and another friend she turned it down no big deal she was getting over being sick. I wanted to call her back that night but agian I was hesataiting and in fear of screwing anything up (Okay here is mistake number 2 my best friend DRUNK LMAO /sigh called her and started telling her how much I started to care for her and she said why don't I stop by and see her so I took my friends with me (another mistaking knowing his ass was tore up) well she came outside it was pretty cold and she didnt say much and I stood at a distance (someone please slap the **** out of me cause this shyness is UGH) well my friend pushed me to her lol and I finally said "hey how are you feeling"

How are you feeling is the best I could come up with???!!?!? Jeez

OMG im such a dumbass I apploligized for my friend and she did aggree to go out agian thursday. This girl is Gorgoues and soo wonderful inside I guess I felt I didnt deserve it (hears the violin music playing) well ima try agian maybe this time I wont mess up then agian I was being myself and I guess If she wants to like me for how I am cause I won't pretend to be somebody else i'm not. (damn writing about this kinda helps kinda like reverse pyscholigy without being suscriped mediaction at the end) okay back on track and suggestions yall can get me to break the ice?

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maybe you should write her a letter or email her.

you seem to be ok at talking (writing) about her just not to her.


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