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I truly want to thank you for taking to the time to disect everything I said.i think i agree with everything you say.And i talked to my gf about this whole thing and strangely,she came to the same conclusions you came up with.


She said I need to get some moral training,seems that I have turned things around,the right for wrong,wrong for right.


I seem to listened to my parents more on aspects of working hard and living healthy,but I didn't really listen to them about how to handle peeople with respect,etc


In fact because of this incident,I lost two friends yesterday.I'm very depressed but I know I deserve it. And you are very right,I've grown up to become pretty lonely,and I am afraid of losing more friends and people who care for me,but i seem to push away for the ones who care


My gf also said I am too obsessed with psychology,seems that whatever i do i have theory behind it.It seems i am not instinct driven but theory driven.It seems the action i take depends on which side i look at the theory.For example I discussed with my gf,was the way i tried to make friends. I thought always that if told everything about me people would feel that this guy is straightforward and genuine.But then she pointed out that people actually are scared when you try to get too close too soon.Now,I look at it from another way,people may not want to commit to a close friendship too soon,and this scars them away.


I know this is pretty screwed and i think i'm trying to over intepret everything.I should have more confidence in my gut instincts.


Anyway,i think I made a mistake in using a red handle discussing such a sensitive issue. But i guess that reflects more of my easy to disclose way of doing things.

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I agree you have a lot to learn about a lot of things. I suppose we all do. The longest journey begins with a single step.


A lot of how you deal with life and with people has to do with common sense. You can't read about common sense in books or learn it in a classroom, it has to come from you. I hope you will develop that somehow.


You don't seem to have a really great grasp on reality. I trust you aren't on drugs of any kind. If you are, get some help. Thinking your girlfriend would remain devoted to you while you frequented houses of ill repute was pretty crazy. I'm glad you have told her so she can avoid the dangers of the life you are chosing.


I honestly think you have a case of arrested development although you have the possibility of continuing your growth at this time. A real good dose of reality may be just want you need to learn how to rightly conduct yourself in this world.

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Thanks again. In all cases,I just found out my so called libido is periodical.i think i'm just normal male,sometimes i need it,sometimes i don't


Also on the issue with drugs,I don't take anything that'll harm me. In the eys of everyone around me,I am a totally nice guy,but once someone knows me inside,they know how chaotic it can sometimes be


I agree you have a lot to learn about a lot of things. I suppose we all do. The longest journey begins with a single step. A lot of how you deal with life and with people has to do with common sense. You can't read about common sense in books or learn it in a classroom, it has to come from you. I hope you will develop that somehow. You don't seem to have a really great grasp on reality. I trust you aren't on drugs of any kind. If you are, get some help. Thinking your girlfriend would remain devoted to you while you frequented houses of ill repute was pretty crazy. I'm glad you have told her so she can avoid the dangers of the life you are chosing. I honestly think you have a case of arrested development although you have the possibility of continuing your growth at this time. A real good dose of reality may be just want you need to learn how to rightly conduct yourself in this world.
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Do you think this is personal thing up when I posted in here ? why or why not

Thanks again. In all cases,I just found out my so called libido is periodical.i think i'm just normal male,sometimes i need it,sometimes i don't Also on the issue with drugs,I don't take anything that'll harm me. In the eys of everyone around me,I am a totally nice guy,but once someone knows me inside,they know how chaotic it can sometimes be
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