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Am I misreading signs?


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Dear all,

I have  a very deep crush on a girl from my school. The thing is that I am at the end of my final grade and only have a few weeks/days left. I know that when you are deeply in love with someone that you see signs from the person even tho they arent there. But here are a few signs:

-I asked her out for prom and she said yes. She also said that she wanted to ask me.

-The day I asked her out for prom I talked with her cousin who is the girlfriend of a kinda close friend. And she told me that the girl I asked almost immediatly called her when she was home and said  that she was/is very happy that I asked her.

-Last weekend I asked her if she wanted to meet with me. She then invited me to go on the yearly fair with her cousin and her cousins bf (the ones I mentioned earlier). The day after that I texted her and thanked her for the invitaion to which she replied that she had fun. 


This friday is the last real school day that I have  before holidays and on Saturday I wanna ask her again if she wants to meet with me again. Her cousins bf (the friend of mine which I mentioned) knows that I have a crush on that girl and gave me motivation to ask her out last  weekend. I would like to text him about it again, but I am scared to annoy him. I am also scared to ask her on Saturday, because I am scared that I would asking her too much (asking her out for prom and asking her to meet twice in just 3 weeks). At the same time I feel like I am not doing enough. During school I always wanna talk with her, but she is always with her friends and I dont wanna annoy her. I really dont know what I should do. Prom is in June and I will dance with her, if I pull moves now and get rejected how will the dance go? Arghh. I really dont know what I should do... Am I misreading her signs that she might actually like me (even if its not romantical)?

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RELAX. Nothing wrong with chatting with her, maybe ask her for another casual outing as friends. What I leaned when I was your age... you want things to move fast because you could lose them, but actually it makes things go so bad. You need to do is just go with the flow, and let things happen naturally. Don't get eager or pushy or intense. Be relaxed/casual/confident. Never ever put a girl up on a pedestal or worship the ground she walks on. That just turns you creepy. 

Edited by smackie9
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You're doing fine. Forget about cousins and "signs". She said yes to an important date. Try to focus on getting ready for prom and making it a great night for you two. 

I asked her out for prom and she said yes. She also said that she wanted to ask me.

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@smackie9Thank you for the reply and help. Yeah maybe I should relax more. Just because my school time with her only consits of like 5 days, doesnt mean I need to rush it. I will ask her again if we want to meet on friday or saturday. The only thing I am worried about is that I will annoy her or that if I ask her too many times and that she will dislike me and it will ruin the prom in June. If I havent found a perfect time to confess until then. I will confess to her during on Prom night, after the Prom itself is over, because after Prom idk if we will see us again after.

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20 hours ago, AnonymousChief123 said:

Dear all,

I have  a very deep crush on a girl from my school. The thing is that I am at the end of my final grade and only have a few weeks/days left. I know that when you are deeply in love with someone that you see signs from the person even tho they arent there. But here are a few signs:

-I asked her out for prom and she said yes. She also said that she wanted to ask me.

-The day I asked her out for prom I talked with her cousin who is the girlfriend of a kinda close friend. And she told me that the girl I asked almost immediatly called her when she was home and said  that she was/is very happy that I asked her.

-Last weekend I asked her if she wanted to meet with me. She then invited me to go on the yearly fair with her cousin and her cousins bf (the ones I mentioned earlier). The day after that I texted her and thanked her for the invitaion to which she replied that she had fun. 


This friday is the last real school day that I have  before holidays and on Saturday I wanna ask her again if she wants to meet with me again. Her cousins bf (the friend of mine which I mentioned) knows that I have a crush on that girl and gave me motivation to ask her out last  weekend. I would like to text him about it again, but I am scared to annoy him. I am also scared to ask her on Saturday, because I am scared that I would asking her too much (asking her out for prom and asking her to meet twice in just 3 weeks). At the same time I feel like I am not doing enough. During school I always wanna talk with her, but she is always with her friends and I dont wanna annoy her. I really dont know what I should do. Prom is in June and I will dance with her, if I pull moves now and get rejected how will the dance go? Arghh. I really dont know what I should do... Am I misreading her signs that she might actually like me (even if its not romantical)?

Ahh young love.

In my experience you are your own worst enemy in school. Try not to involve any of your/her friends and just keep it between you and her, also don't give a f about what anyone else thinks as you'll learn when you're older how irrelevant that is.

She seems interested if she said yes to the prom invite. I'd suggest going with her and in the meantime try to meet her one to one for food or a coffee and get to know her a bit better. I know how difficult people's strict social groups can make things so maybe don't worry about trying to get into her group or go out of your way trying to talk to her as you are going to class etc.

Don't worry about rejection, if she isn't interested life goes on and trust me you'll meet many more women in your life.

Just go for it and enjoy the ride!

Edited by FredEire
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Leave the cousin out of it.  Go ahead & ask her to spend time with you.   She has the freedom to say no.  

It sounds like she does like you.  

Good luck.   Have fun at prom 

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21 hours ago, AnonymousChief123 said:

@smackie9Thank you for the reply and help. Yeah maybe I should relax more. Just because my school time with her only consits of like 5 days, doesnt mean I need to rush it. I will ask her again if we want to meet on friday or saturday. The only thing I am worried about is that I will annoy her or that if I ask her too many times and that she will dislike me and it will ruin the prom in June. If I havent found a perfect time to confess until then. I will confess to her during on Prom night, after the Prom itself is over, because after Prom idk if we will see us again after.

You can't think like that. Be confident in yourself and not care if you do or not. She can for any reason to back out, and it would have nothing to do with you. And you confess nothing...she knows you like her. 

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On 3/13/2024 at 3:00 AM, AnonymousChief123 said:

Dear all,

I have  a very deep crush on a girl from my school. The thing is that I am at the end of my final grade and only have a few weeks/days left. I know that when you are deeply in love with someone that you see signs from the person even tho they arent there. But here are a few signs:

-I asked her out for prom and she said yes. She also said that she wanted to ask me.

-The day I asked her out for prom I talked with her cousin who is the girlfriend of a kinda close friend. And she told me that the girl I asked almost immediatly called her when she was home and said  that she was/is very happy that I asked her.

-Last weekend I asked her if she wanted to meet with me. She then invited me to go on the yearly fair with her cousin and her cousins bf (the ones I mentioned earlier). The day after that I texted her and thanked her for the invitaion to which she replied that she had fun. 


This friday is the last real school day that I have  before holidays and on Saturday I wanna ask her again if she wants to meet with me again. Her cousins bf (the friend of mine which I mentioned) knows that I have a crush on that girl and gave me motivation to ask her out last  weekend. I would like to text him about it again, but I am scared to annoy him. I am also scared to ask her on Saturday, because I am scared that I would asking her too much (asking her out for prom and asking her to meet twice in just 3 weeks). At the same time I feel like I am not doing enough. During school I always wanna talk with her, but she is always with her friends and I dont wanna annoy her. I really dont know what I should do. Prom is in June and I will dance with her, if I pull moves now and get rejected how will the dance go? Arghh. I really dont know what I should do... Am I misreading her signs that she might actually like me (even if its not romantical)?

Lack of confidence and lack of courage are among those traits that women usually find unappealing in a man. Your hesitation and worry are doing much more damage than any direct question you might pose. Don’t worry about the prom, don’t bother with that cousin, and talk to the girl directly. 

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2 minutes ago, Gebidozo said:

Lack of confidence and lack of courage are among those traits that women usually find unappealing in a man. Your hesitation and worry are doing much more damage than any direct question you might pose. Don’t worry about the prom, don’t bother with that cousin, and talk to the girl directly. 

He's a kid, it's pretty normal.

Don't stress about stressing either. You don't have to be an "alpha", accept that you are nervous, feel the fear and do it anyway.

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