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feelings for this friend for a year...what to do???

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I am not sure if most teenagers go through with this....but it feels awful. I really really like this friend of mine who I met at school, a year back. We haves a great chemistry , have a great time together , have similar interests...and so on. here's where it gets bad!!! he has a gf and I know that

still can't seem to get over this feeling. So many times, when he is been standing close to me he looks at me, like he'd like to kiss me ...yet we both know that he is comiitted and so just let that feeling pass. I am so sick of feeling like this, that I wish that we would just do something about it and move on.... Its like we have got stuck in a time frame...

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It's hard I know, But you don't wanna hurt yourself any further and I know you don't wanna hurt him. I'm kinda in the same boat with this girl but have confidence in yourself cause some of us seem to lack it /sigh. Let him come to you maybe your meant together maybe your not, time is a key just gotta know when to turn it.

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depending on whether or not you can accept a potentially negative outcome (maybe losing him as a friend), you should tell him how you feel. if it's driving you this crazy, you need to let him know. you only live once and you shouldn't have any regrets.


good luck!

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Thanks y'all

for your advice. I am worried that if I step the boundary, he may not talk to me again. I really don't want that to happen as I am really very attached to him. Its better to have him as a friend then not to have any contact at all.... You know for a while I thought that I'd probably kiss him for Christmas, but I am so scared at his reaction...what if he gets all pissed and runs away.Oh! boy I'd be so embarassed... But I do want to take a little baby step and I don't know if that means giving him a tight hug or something more??

Any suggestions...

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Hey guys,

Last night , he took me out to dinner and it was loads of fun....I really enjoy my time with him, we laugh, tease each other and in general have loads of fun , so I don't get it... He does everything I ask of him and somethings I don't ....like he helped me pay my tuition last semester(on his own)....like 25 grand and didn't ask me twice, when I would return it...

But yet he never touches me, even casually...or tries to get romantic....its just so confusing...you know...I mean if I were the guy i would expect something in return and he never asks anything of me... I am so confused:confused:

Opinions anyone!!!!!!!!

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Well, this post is supposed to be friends transitioning into something more and you never really know when it can happen with anyone. So, I wanted to know what is it that helps you understand that you are getting to be something more than friends...like I know that he has a gf, but what if they are just casually dating...or what if he is not really into her...I mean I feel that we really have this connection....so what to do about it ...any suggestions???

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You said you are scared he might run if you make any moves, or tell him how you feel. It sounds like you are frustrated and miserable already, and this may drag on for god only knows how long unless you do something. Talk to him about it....simple as that. Communication is key, and if you can't communicate, there's not point in even thinking of moving forward with him. You need to know if it can go anywhere, or if you just need to move on. I know I'm making it sound oh so simple, and really if you put feelings aside, it is that simple...it's out emotions that make it so difficult. And if it were me, I would take the other girl into consideration, and how she might feel. I don't like to hurt anyone, directly or indirectly.

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I guess that is the best advice ever... I am going to give him a christmas present , so maybe I will tell him then. My best girl friend says that I should not push things too much, she says that I should let things happen naturally .....but I wonder is that how most relationships work, by letting them happen naturally...I wonder????

So, ya, what you are say makes sense, but it also runs the risk of ruining what friendship we have...and that is worth so much more.......so, I guess I have to make a calculated move...and do what is best for both..

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