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To Email or Not To Email... That is the question...


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Okay - an update of sorts - and a question:


Most of this story is at the threat We Met BEFORE?!?!?! - but a quick run down - met a guy (who'd met me before) at a function... got up the nerve to email him - he responded. We traded emails back and forth a couple of times.


In his last response - a week ago, the response basically came that he checks and responds to emails on Monday mornings. So, I sent a response to that.. and haven't heard back from him. But, he's working and studying for the BAR, and something tells me, if he doesn't pass it, it could put his job in jeopardy.


The organization that we are both members of is having its Holiday Party this Thursday - in the area of town he works in.


There's a good possibility that he will be at that... but I was hoping to know for sure. I'll still go and have a good time, but I don't want to be looking for someone that isn't going to show up...


First things first - I send out a weekly newsletter that goes out to 600+ people on Tuesdays - and he's on that list. The Party information will be in that newsletter.


But, I'm wondering whether or not to send him a quick email that says, essentially: Will you be able to tear yourself away from studying for the Holiday Party?


It's been over a week since I sent my last one.


Just looking for opinions. B/c I don't want to crowd the guy...

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But, I'm wondering whether or not to send him a quick email that says, essentially: Will you be able to tear yourself away from studying for the Holiday Party?


If you decide to email him, don't say that. It's too negative and kinda has a harshness to it that may not paint you in a nice light. He's told you how busy he and why, so try a different approach. Like, "I hope to see you if you can make it to the party, if not I understand as you have alot on your plate right now." Something like that, more comfortable and will make him feel no pressure or make him feel bad if he can't make it.

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