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Real life Nightmare in M-lastweekend

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I've done this chronologically for ease of reading.


3:50 am Nightclub in M "DNA" argument about women with 3 locals


3:55 am Fight breaks out and turns out to be 23 locals vs 4 native friends.Seems notorious triad hang out and 1 friend slashed with knife another bottle,me just kicked and punched.Other unscathed.


4:05 am Go to hospital for treatment


4:05 am 9 Police in ER asking us question while dr stictch up wounds


4:10 am I go mad at police tell them they're useless cowards and they'd be out looking for guy with a knife


4:20 am try to call Police HQ to complain. 1 of present police attempts to stop me doing this.A small struggle and lots of swearing ensue


4:30 am Another 5 police turn up and arrest me in hospital.Receive kicks to the face and lower back during arrest.


4:40 am driving to police station. 25y/old policeman in car punches m 3-4 times in the face shouting " Come on ,try and fight back now!"


4:50 am Police station M.Pushed into the wall and kicked again.Spat on by 25 years policeman.


5:20 am friends arrive and everybody questioned


6:30 am friends released.Me jailed for verbal abuse


8:30 am taken from cell and threatened by senior officer to say nothing of over zealous arrest and they know my address in F,etct


8:31 am More swearing from me.Tell them I hope they pay me a visit one by one and off duty.


11:00 am Friends come and give me clothes and they go back to F


Now spwend from 11.15 am Sunday to 8:30 am Monday in cell not food no drink nothing.




8:30 am call british consulate complain of beatings from officers.BBC at embassy threatens head of police and say they'll contact lawyers.


9:00 am go to other police station more threats


9:10 am 25 years policeman comes and apologises but says they've pic record me and I'm not welcome in C.Tell him it's ok as long as police drop charges against me.Told not to black mail and pushed around again.


10:10am taken to court waiting area.Spend 2 hours in tiny cell


12:10 am go to courtroom just hear trial is at 3:00 pm


1:30 pm policeman i offended pays me a visit and say he's williing to play down what happened in hospital as long i don't mention the 18 blows i'd received from 6 different policemen.I agree now just wanting to go home and never come back


2:45 go to courtroom again


3:45 trial in M.Magistrates Court


4:15 pm Given not guilty verdict and police told to pay court charges for waisting time


4:20 pm Policeman tells me we must go back to station to fill out release form


4:30 tell him as i've done nothing wrong and now free to go and they can't hold me anymore.Get lawyer walking past to verify.Policeman gets on C.B to call mates to come and "persuade" me.While his back turned,sprint out of court room and catch passing cab to F.ferry terminal


4:45pm on ferry home


I don't think F.police are anywhere near as bas as M lot,seems to be almost lawless over there. when we were driving to the court a passer by kicked the police van and another past on the windscreen.Police seemed to react as if they see this everyday.


any comemnts?

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Sounds like you were pretty blasted with alcohol. Given the rudeness, disrespect and violence you showed toward legitimate law enforcement personnel, as a judge I would have given you six months in jail to think about your attitude.


You will find police or anyone else will treat you much better if you don't call them useless cowards and fight with them. Their job is hard enough without blokes like you complicating matters.


The police should have been suspended for ten days for not kicking your butt more than they did. They should have gotten an additional ten days suspension for apologizing to your sorry butt. They should have received another 30 days suspension for dropping the charges against you.


In America, you would be in jail right now without bond. Consider yourself real lucky.


I hope you learn self-control and respect for authority.


Case closed.

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I reckon in the states as in the UK, I would have maybe got the kicks etc from the police but they would have dropped the charges and let me go after I'd sobered up.That's standard procedure.There's not magistrate in either of those countries who would listen to case of Verbal abuse to the police,they'd be there all day!!! Get you facts straight a**h***, 6 months? Where have you been living wonderland??


Authroity?? I only respect it if it ultimate stands to protect me ,which in M (macau) I don't think it does



Sounds like you were pretty blasted with alcohol. Given the rudeness, disrespect and violence you showed toward legitimate law enforcement personnel, as a judge I would have given you six months in jail to think about your attitude. You will find police or anyone else will treat you much better if you don't call them useless cowards and fight with them. Their job is hard enough without blokes like you complicating matters.


The police should have been suspended for ten days for not kicking your butt more than they did. They should have gotten an additional ten days suspension for apologizing to your sorry butt. They should have received another 30 days suspension for dropping the charges against you.


In America, you would be in jail right now without bond. Consider yourself real lucky. I hope you learn self-control and respect for authority. Case closed.

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I reckon in the states as in the UK, I would have maybe got the kicks etc from the police but they would have dropped the charges and let me go after I'd sobered up.That's standard procedure.There's not magistrate in either of those countries who would listen to case of Verbal abuse to the police,they'd be there all day!!! Get you facts straight a**h***, 6 months? Where have you been living wonderland??


Authroity?? I only respect it if it ultimate stands to protect me ,which in M (macau) I don't think it does ----------------------------------------------------------


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