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Comparing to ex's

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Ask him straight up why he isn't with them . Please don't be manipulated.Especially by hearsay. Trust your instincts.

. What exactly have his exes supposedly given so much more of?  Reconsider being with someone like this. Tell him to go back to his exes. 

Edited by Wiseman2
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I'd say "OK.  Go back to them. " 

That statement is the death knell for your relationship.  End it. 

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How would I feel? I'd feel like I'd stepped in something nasty and needed to get it off my shoe. The person you speak of  a toxic, clueless drongo. Dump and block :)

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On 3/13/2024 at 8:42 AM, Pretzel said:

How would you feel and what would you think if your partner told you that all of their ex's had always given so much more than you? 

I would dump them for the passive/aggressive rude comment they made. I doubt what they say is true...this is the start of abuse by belittling you. It's a bit of a $hit test to see if you would grovel and say you will improve for them. Kick this putz to the curb. 

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On 3/13/2024 at 11:42 PM, Pretzel said:

How would you feel and what would you think if your partner told you that all of their ex's had always given so much more than you? 

No partner of mine has ever told me anything like that. Saying something like that is very inconsiderate and tactless. Your partner should feel remorse and apologize to you. 

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