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guys flirt all the time

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anyone think it is reasonable for guys to flirt gals even if they have gfs?


or tell me if there any gals won't get jealous when their bfs hang out or talk to other gals


please make me understand

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I think it's fine for guys to talk to or hang out with other girls, but just not constantly, and not in a flirtatious way. You have to kind of figure out what's reasonable. If your boyfriend is constantly talking to other girls when you're around, and is blowing you off, you have a right to feel angry, and should definately say something. But if he's just a friendly guy (not too overfriendly) then you shouldn't overreact. Just figure out if his behavior falls into a friendly category or a flirting category, which could be a little difficult. If he's worth anything, and cares about you, then he'll respect your feelings and the fact that you may feel jealous over his flirting and stop it for your sake. If he gets angry at you for being jealous and doesn't stop it, then he isn't worth it.


I sometimes get a little jealous if my boyfriend is talking to other girls, especially pretty ones, but I know I'm being retarded and usually get over it pretty fast. If he was spending more time with a specific girl, and leaning more towards flirting, I would definately say something to him. You need to figure out if you're just overreacting and being jealous and paranoid, or if you really are getting these feelings for a reason.

anyone think it is reasonable for guys to flirt gals even if they have gfs? or tell me if there any gals won't get jealous when their bfs hang out or talk to other gals


please make me understand

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