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I'm trying to decode his message. What is he saying?


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I met a guy on a two day job last week. I found him attractive but I didn’t feel bold enough to ask him out. I reached out to him on Social Media and said:

“Hey so and so! We didn’t get a chance to talk much but it was great to meet you! I love your vibe and energy.”

His response:

“Hey so and so! It was great to meet you too! I’m currently on vacation but, let’s find some time over the next couple of weeks to find some synergies.”

I’m confused by “synergies” or what he’s trying to say. I can’t tell if he genuinely wants to talk and meet up or if he’s just being polite and saying whatever sounds “good”. Lol.

I was going to say:

“Sounds great, have fun! Give me a shout when you’re back in town and we can go from there!”

Or something like that. I can also be super bold and ask him out, but I’m not sure. I feel stuck.


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This message is fine. He seems polite and interested in working together again. Please don't jump to asking him out. Try to get a sense of things first. 

"Sounds great, have fun! Give me a shout when you’re back in town and we can go from there!”

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I'd go with the sounds great response you are thinking about.   I don't know what he means by synergies either but assuming he does reach out & you two get together it has to be positive.  

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I think he was being clever and used the word synergies because you said “you loved his vibe & energy”.

I take it like….lets get together soon and sync our energies :)

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He already asked you out--or said yes to your implied asking out. . The "synergies" line--he's saying I want to see you and I like you too.  

"Sounds great." I wouldn't even say "have fun" necessarily. 

I'm not sure what the heck else you are looking for. He just got cute with the language. The overall tone--I'm available. I like you too. Let's get together with both of our good energies--since we like each other's energies.  Why are you confusing yourself here?



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