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This guy that I'm interested in sent me this tiktok, do you think he likes me?

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The TikTok in question. 

He sent this to me with no context and didn’t say anything after so idk if he’s hinting at something or not. I already told him I liked him a few months ago and he rejected me because he said he was talking to another girl but they’ve since cut ties. It’s only been like a month though so I don’t know when is too soon to try asking him out again. Plus I really don’t wanna be rejected a second time that’s way too embarrassing. I feel like he’d never tell me directly if he did like me because the last girl he confessed to shared his texts on her Instagram story and her entire friend group made fun of him for a week. So he’s got a bit of trauma from that. This is my first real attempt at a relationship cuz my parents never let me date in highschool and I don’t want to f*** this up and be single forever.

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