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Please i need advice quick *short*

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Hi everyone and thanx for deciding to read this. Anyway well me and my are from the same state and everything but we meet over the net cuz my parents are on a business trip and I wont see him until they come back or I could see him this summer.


I thought I was supposed to see him this summer so I told him that I am coming to New York and I will be there before he comes back from Honduras. Well, but my Mom decided to not let me go cuz she said my aunt was having problems so I shouldn't go. Well, so I told him and he was kinda upset and I also been down all week cuz I always have to wait for things and I am getting sick of it.


Well, today my Mom called me from work and I asked her Mom please can I go and she was like yeah you can go around the 15th then your aunt will be ok and you could stay until Sept. I was pretty happy about that but it seems so good to be true I mean I actually bought it cuz bad stuff always happens to me.


I wanted to tell him but I don't know I mean I don't want to get his hopes up and then I won't be able to come so please what do you think should I do?

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talk to your mother again first. thank her for agreeing to let you go to new york, and tell her that her response meant a lot to you, and you would like to confirm it. tell her you would be hurt if she were to change her mind because this means a lot to you and you would like to be able to give your boyfriend a definite time that you will be travelling to new york.


if you speak to your boyfriend before you speak to your mother, tell him "so far, so good". make him aware of the fact that so far, your mother has agreed for you to go, but nothing has been made definite yet. tell him *hopefully* these plans will come to fruition and you *might* see him soon. you still have plans to discuss with your mother.


you won't get his hopes up if you tell the truth. besides, if he gets his hopes up, it's all his own doing anyway...not yours.


p.s. is there any reason why you have to travel to see him? just wondering....your mother may ask you this.

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i don't know your age, but this may be a crucial factor in your mother's decision of whether or not you can go to new york. how does she feel about you meeting him over the net? has she met him before? have *you* met him before?


what i meant by my "p.s." statement, is there any reason he can't come and visit you instead of you visiting him? if you have family problems right now that may prohibit you from going to new york, surely he'd be understanding enough to realise that getting to new york may not be that simple. maybe you can arrange for him to visit you?


sorry bout all the questions!

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I'm quite familiar with your situation, cuz you've posted about it here several times.


Does your Mom know you want to meet some stranger you met off the Internet?


How do you even know for sure he's the age he says he is? Have you at LEAST talked to him on the phone?


There are lots of SICKOS out there...who hook up with (online) young women, pretend to be their age, but are actually grown men (perverts). This is a growing problem. Sickos go into chat rooms and try to lure young folks, they tell them lies, lie about their age......all in hopes of meeting them in person.


If your guy wanted to meet you so bad, and you've had all these problems in being able to go visit him, that strikes me as SUSPICIOUS.......like maybe he's not who he says he is.


Where did you meet him, a chat room? Have you seen SEVERAL pictures of him? Talked to him on the phone? Ever talked to his PARENTS?


The police are working day and night to catch SICKOS who try to meet up with young folks........it's a growing crime. They are SEXUAL PREDATORS...and several young folks have been killed. I hope you're being smart and know what you're doing...and I also hope your MOM knows that you're planning to MEET some total stranger.



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