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Stop having sex or masturbation

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Can I get someone opinion on this ?


Well, I'm trying to stop having sex or technically speaking stop ejaculating. Has anyone has any ideas or ever tried ? Well, in chinese they believe that chi is related to sex and everytime you ejaculate you loses your chi. So I'm trying to limit myself on ejaculating either through not having sex or masturbating.


What's worst from all this is I am married, so I really can't stop having sex algether. On the day that we don't have sex, I go and mastrubate. If I don't mastrubate when I have sex with the wife, I come too early anyway. So, to stop myself coming early, I generally mastrubate in the morning and if we do it at night. I last longer :)


So with all relationship, we don't have sex everyday. So to lesson the ejaculation, I suppose I shouldn't mastrubate in between our sex days. But I can't help it, especially if I don't. The wife get disappointed, if you know what I mean.


So does anyone have any opinion or comments ?

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Good grief I almost wish I had to deal with your situation.


I'm dealing with a man who can go on and on and on for 2-3 hours before ejaculation. I feel like he is going to kill me soon. The only way for me to get him to go is to give him oral and a hand job at the same time..


I can get all I want for as long as I want but dang I'm so exhausted trying to please him too that I feel like I'm about to drop dead.


I hope you find the solution to your situation as much as I hope to find one to mine..


This female is dying from over-work syndrome..

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You may also want to consider your masturbation habits. Too often guys are in a big hurry about it, they will make themselves cum in like two minutes give or take. Most of thime so they won't get caught. All this does is trains your body to cum quickly and thus sex is not much different.


Instead try to only masturbate when you have more time to make it last for a while. Work it up to the point of cuming and then back off, don't let yourself cum right away like your normally would but instead see how many times you can build it up and then back off before going. This will help in the bedroom because you are now training yourself to last longer. Then do the same thing in bed with the building up and then backing off. Good luck and remember to lube up if you are going to be doing any extended amount of stroking.

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QUOTE "Well, I'm trying to stop having sex or technically speaking stop ejaculating. Has anyone has any ideas or ever tried ? Well, in chinese they believe that chi is related to sex and everytime you ejaculate you loses your chi. So I'm trying to limit myself on ejaculating either through not having sex or masturbating."


I don't think anyone has really answered ChoukyLa's question yet, which is... How to actually stop the urge or need to have sex / ejaculate.


I'm presuming this question comes from a perspective of using will power / technique as opposed to a medical procedure / solution such as being castrated or taking certain drugs.


From what I can gather, in terms of keeping "chi", we're also talking about improving self-control and self-discipline. Of course - these are also possible answers to the question as well as expected results.

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