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porn is killing our relationship

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Help! I have recently discovered that my man has more than a passive interest in porn, specifically "teen" porn. Let's just put it this way, he is so interested that his penis becomes chafed from masturbating. This became much more of a problem because I just bought a computer. We have had three major blowouts about this. I have password restricted him. He says he has been "sober" for about a month now. This was a serious relationship. We are in our thirties. The problem is now that I feel so unattractive. Our sex life which was once bliss is now mechanical. It is like he wants me to be slutty, and he will just walk up to me and say that he can't sleep and needs a blow job. This doesn't turn me on. I finally just told him that I am not a magazine or his sex slave. Any ideas on how to get back to solid ground?

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where the hell is his respect for you???


if he wants a blow job, tell him to get the vacuum cleaner. if he can't sleep, tell him to get himself a hot milk, and bop him over the head for his attitude towards you.....that might induce a bit of sleep.


only he can get himself back to solid ground. he has to want to help himself before anyone else can. i would suggest he speak to a doctor who could maybe refer him to a specialist about his over-interest in porn.


in the meantime, i don't think it would hurt for him to learn to treat you with a little more respect....if he can learn.

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