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Why don't my feelings matter?

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5 hours ago, Tee11 said:

He won't let me. Everytime I see I'm done talking to him he messages me or says I won't be able to find someone else.

This is textbook abuser talk.

Just block him.


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3 hours ago, Tee11 said:

I hate feeling lonely and it's like I need someone to be better because of my abandonment issues.

That’s exactly the problem.

I know how you feel. I also hate feeling lonely and I also have abandonment issues. It is especially important to understand, then, that those feelings make you extra vulnerable and susceptible to emotional abuse. 

You don’t need “someone”. You don’t exactly need anyone, actually. You want to have a romantic partner, and that’s perfectly normal. But you don’t want just “someone”, anyone. You want a good, caring person, one who doesn’t manipulate and emotionally controls you. And, above all, one who isn’t already in a romantic relationship.


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This is a terribly unhealthy "friendship" for you, OP

Rather than stressing over what his problem is, start working on understanding what has led you to attach yourself emotionally to an internet stranger. There is much more going on here under the surface than a random man who doesn't really care about you. 

Do you have good friends in real life? How's your dating life? 

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If you hate feeling lonely and feel it's like  you need someone to be better because of your abandonment issues, the fastest cure is to delete and block this entity and get fully involved in local life.

Do you live alone? Do you work? Go to school? Have friends, family, hobbies interests? This rabbithole is just filling a void

However you can fill that void with healthy satisfying things. Please get out of this rut and set yourself free. 

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9 hours ago, Tee11 said:

Would I want someone to ghost me? What if that comes back as my karma?

This is ridiculous. Cutting toxic people out of our lives is the healthiest thing we can do. Just do it and move on. It will allow you to meet someone else with an open heart.

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