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YOU ASK: "Why do you always think whoever who speaks to you is trying to get a long reply from you or is trying to offend you in some way??"


I don't always think anything. I am rather amused that you would speculate or conjecture on what I think about all the time. If the truth be known, I mostly think about food and sex but not necessarily in that order.


I never judge posts in any way. I just answer them. I take nothing personally and I don't think people are looking for a long reply or trying to offend me.


Neither people who I know every day in person or anonymous people who post on Internet forums have the power to offend me or demand anything of me. On the very rare occasion that I am offended by someone, I make that choice myself...just like you do. We all make a choice to be offended or angered or whatever. It would be insane to give that power to others. Just plain NUTS!!!

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