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What is she trying to say...

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I've been going to school with this girl for 4 years, and its just until senior year that i started talking to her and getting to know her. We have the same english class and study period, and she sometimes sits next to me sometimes doesnt during both these periods. During English class she sometimes glances at me and smiles but i cant figure out why. When we do sit next to each other, she talks a lot. Luckily i am a good listener, so its easy for me to sit there and nod and smile then say a few words...tell a few stories...question a few of her points (etc.). Now during the study periods she sometimes sits next me to as well (its usually when i am reading and trying to do work) and acknowledges my existence. But after that she doesn't say anything unless i talk to her and then...well a whole lotta talking. Now the problem isnt communicating with girls, but its trying to figure them out here...what is she...is she trying to be friends or something? and if she is tryin to be something more...HOW THE HELL DO I GET TO THAT NEXT LEVEL?! this situation has occured before but i was too shy/stupid to take that next step... i dont want to make that same mistake with this girl. I bought her a small present for the holidays b4 we go on break...this a good idea?

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too obvious. ask her to accompany you for lunch. yeah, she's probably into you. and no, don't give her the present. that will probably be very weird. you hardly know her, and as a chick i can tell you that if some dude from class gave me a present and all i'd done was chat with him in class before, i'd be very weirded out. i'd probably think he was some psycho stalker.

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well i gave her the present and she apparently liked it

she went to the extremes of Iming me and telling me... when i never knew her IM name to begin with:sick:

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I sounds to me like she does indeed like you, but seems nervous to come up to you and tell you how she feels.


The fact that she sometimes sits beside you, sometimes doesn't, is proof of this. If she just wanted to be "friendly" she'd sit by you every class, like any friend would. I see the fact that she sometimes sits beside you and sometimes doesn't as a sign that she's "testing the waters". She feels if she sits by you every day, it'll look to obvious she likes you, and she doesn't want that.


Another point, is the fact that she'll wait for you to initiate the conversation, and once you do, she'll talk and talk and talk. Again, I read this as her not wanting to start the conversation all the time, as she might seem "too interested" in you. But once you start the conversation, she wants to talk non-stop. She's just waiting for you to start things up.


Where do you go from here? I'm assuming you're on Chrstmas break now, so keep in contact with her over the holidays. You don't need to call her and ask her out, but IM with her and keep in touch that way. It's non-threatening, and it ensures she's thinking about you over the break.


In English and study break, if she doesn't sit by you, go over and sit by her. Sit down and ask her a question about the homework or something. She'll appreciate the fact that you took the initiative and sat by her. When you're ready, ask her to go to lunch with you or something.


There's no doubt she wants you to grab the bull by the horns here. She won't do it, so you're in the drivers seat.

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This girl likes u no doubt about it. The whole she talks to me sometime and it seams she waits for em to say something gave it away. Shes doesnt want to come off to strong is what it is. Snag her up now if u dig her

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well she hasnt imed me save for helpin me out with a paper

i donno if shes still interested, or if shes too shy to start a conversation up...

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well she hasnt imed me save for helpin me out with a paper

i donno if shes still interested, or if shes too shy to start a conversation up...


Why can't you IM her? She's making tentative advances, looking to see if you'll respond. You need to give her positive feedback or she's going to just give up. The present was a good start. She IMed you about the gift, and about the paper. She's probably waiting to see if you'll initiate next time. So do it!

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well i have imed her but usually she talks for like 10 mins nonstop (which means the im box is covered in like 2000000000 words) then she goes "ok i gotta go finish this or do that ttyl" thing and goes afk...


plus she doesnt respond when i IM her comments when shes away ><

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