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To Sabrina and Megan

Miss Mojo

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hey sabrina and megan,


just thought i'd throw a little advice your way from personal experience. i don't want to be a wet rag, but here goes...


whatever you do, try your hardest to not get your hopes up about a guy coming back to you.


it's one thing to be positive that things will work out for the best and you will be happy, because in time they definitely will. but try not to believe this future happiness will come from your guy coming back to you.


i don't want to spoil any dreams, i really don't, but even if in your heart you feel things "are supposed to work out" with a guy, there is every chance they will not. a guy might be scared and immature, but it does not mean at all that he will come back to you.


have a dream of oneday finding happiness with a guy who you will love very much and will give you that in return, because it is bound to happen. but even the most loving relationships that fall apart aren't that easy to mend, and sometimes are never mended.


please, live your life without focusing on one particular person, because if they don't come back, you will turn around one day and kick yourself at all the time you have wasted dreaming that they will. you will fall to earth with a huge thud and break your own heart if you pin your hopes on one ending up with a guy who you are no longer with.


like i said, even the most loving relationships can come to a permanent end. it hurts like hell, but it hurts even more if you don't learn to shake someone from your system and give yourself time to get over them.


they will come back oneday if it is meant to be. just be careful though....there is probably a greater chance that they will not come back and you have to look at it that way too.


best wishes :)

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