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According to " why are some men so jealous and possessive" and Tony's views.


A lot of men who would like their women to dress in a dignified manner are neither low-evolved,nor immature,nor " wife beaters" .it is a matter of respect that they would like to elicit for their women.And yes,respect is more of an appreciation of inner qualities but how a woman ( and even a man) dresses is strong sign of his/her maturity and self-esteem as well


We've a woman in our office,who comes 3-4 days a week in dresses which clearly outline her frontal parts.In Asia. You tell me if i would really respect this woman even if she was excellent at her work per se


same goes for men as well,although it's less possible to for men to dress sexily given men fashions.


but just for an argument,lets say there is a fashion of dressing where the guy is wearing pants,but his bum is exhibited.Sound funny,but to see what you think.Lets also say that this man is very good at what he does (let's say accounting)


You tell me, would women in an accounting firm really respect him?

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I really don't think men who like their women to dress nicely or more modestly when they are in public are being jealous or possessive. However, they are being very stupid if they would remain with a woman who dressed outlandishly sexy or inappropriately on a continuing basis.


I think all people, men and women, should dress for work in a manner which is appropriate and dignified for the workplace. If they don't, they have no respect for themselves or others.

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Would women respect him? Yes, some would and on the other hand some would not. This is called an opinion. Guess what, everyone is aloud to have them this is what makes an individual an individual. It also applies to Tony's "OPINION" which I have read and nowhere can I find any indication of wife beating or low-evolved unless the one who posted was an abused female typing monkey.


You see while you may not respect this co-worker there are others you work with that may think she is sexy. There are just as many males that would like their women to "show what they've got" because they (their men) are proud of it as there are that would like their women to cover up for reasons that "in my opinion" Tony nailed perfectly.


If you have a better "opinion" to give the girl that posted go give it to her.




According to " why are some men so jealous and possessive" and Tony's views. A lot of men who would like their women to dress in a dignified manner are neither low-evolved,nor immature,nor " wife beaters" .it is a matter of respect that they would like to elicit for their women.And yes,respect is more of an appreciation of inner qualities but how a woman ( and even a man) dresses is strong sign of his/her maturity and self-esteem as well We've a woman in our office,who comes 3-4 days a week in dresses which clearly outline her frontal parts.In Asia. You tell me if i would really respect this woman even if she was excellent at her work per se same goes for men as well,although it's less possible to for men to dress sexily given men fashions. but just for an argument,lets say there is a fashion of dressing where the guy is wearing pants,but his bum is exhibited.Sound funny,but to see what you think.Lets also say that this man is very good at what he does (let's say accounting)


You tell me, would women in an accounting firm really respect him?

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