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Average Joe

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Average Joe

Hey everyone.. I just thought that I'de share with everybody that I don't have cancer! Now I know who my true friends are and that is all that matters to me now. Not women, not the relationship that I just ended, and certainly not trying to get back into another one. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life and if a woman wants to be a part of that, fine, but if not, that's fine too! I am looking at everything from a whole different prespective now and women and relationships are the last thing that I am thinking about. I'm sorry to sound cold twards women. That's not the case at all. I mean I don't think that all women are evil simply because I was envolved with one that was. I'm just saying that I'm not really worried about it right now and I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life with or without them. Thank you once again Tony and Sarah!!! I'll definately check out that book!! C-ya,

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Congratulations on being cancer free!!! I know that everyone will be happy for you in that regard.


And it sounds like you have developed a pretty good attitute for yourself towards love. Let's hope it works well for you.

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I'm glad to hear that you're doing well. And you're making a good decision about not trying to get into another relationship right away.


Take your time. Enjoy life. And when you least expect it, the woman of your dreams will come into your life, and you will spend the rest of your life with her. But until then, have fun!


Take care :)

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