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Can anyone help me?

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My wife of four years had an affair.

I don't blame her 100%. I was a less than stellar husband.

That being said, she moved in with her boyfriend, got pregnant and had her baby.

Not long after she discovered that she was pregnant, she came to me saying that she had made a HUGE mistake doing what she did and that she wants to work things out.

I still love her drarly, but I just don't know if I can accept her new baby or the fact that her jerk boyfriend will now be involved in her life forever.

I'm a career firefighter and I work 24 hour shifts. Every time her boyfriend goes to the store or goes to work she calls me. How can I realistically think that she won't do the same when I'm at work?

Am I a complete idiot for even wanting her back? She's been saying that she wants to come back for 7 or 8 months and still has made no progress. We have two kids (one of mine and her daughter from a previous relationship who I've been with since she was just getting ready to turn 4........ I consider her my little girl.)

Is it possible that there could be too much damage done...... I always thought that "love conquers all" but now I'm not so sure.

Any advice?

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Is it possible that there could be too much damage done....


It certainly is. Happens all the time. Your trust in her is shattered and that can be irreparable. She would have to agree to be an open book, to be available to you at all times, and to basically prove she's worthy of trust again and even then it may be difficult for you to regain your ability to trust her.


I always thought that "love conquers all"


Even love can't conquer someone tearing your heart out and stomping it to smithereens - nor should it, really.


Good luck in this.

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