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Am I being daft?

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I've been seeing my partner for over 6 months now, and I'm very very much in love with him. I believe he loves me too, as he says it often and cares about me a great deal. However, he quite often makes comments on how attractive other guys are. Usually I don't care (Sometimes I might get very slightly jealous deep inside like most people in love with their partner might, but don't really take it on board at all and forget about it within minutes), but yesterday he really put his foot in it. We were driving along with one of our freinds in the back seat when she saw some apparently attractive guys, to which my partner takes a look and jokingly says lightly suggestive things (oooooh...hello etc). I jokingly say "hey...I'm right here!" and laugh, to which my partner says "Oh it's like when this really really hot co-worker comes into work and asks for M**** (one of the other staff) who isn't there, so I ask him "Is there anything I can do for you?".

After hearing that I felt really down and angry about it, and as he noticed he was very caring and reassuring, and told me he was just kidding around, but it still pissed me off that he seemed to notice other people, like a mini-crush.


Now whenever I notice it, I hate it when he comments on other people, it makes me feel unattractive and disrespected. Am I being stupid to make an issue about it, or is it normal for people to be like that? It sucks, because I know he wouldn't do anything but it still makes me feel crap. :-(

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Actually, maybe its a good thing that he's so open about it, like it's innocent, meaningless and he has nothing to hide as I know that if he knew it upset me he wouldn't do it. He's very kind to me, and he has pretty strong values so I'm not really concerned about him cheating. I dunno....it still gets to me a bit though...

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I am sorry but she is so playing you. She continues to humiliate and disrespect you. She is a classic cakewoman who wants to maintain the benefits of a marriage while she continues to flirt with other men and continues to try to hook up with the boss. After all of this she continues to lie to you and continues suggestive emails with the boss asking to meet up with him. Clearly she thinks you are bluffing with your threat. If the roles were reversed, do you honestly believe she would put up with such crap?

She has shown where you and your marriage is on her priority list compared to trying to nail the boss. No consequences to her actions equals no motivation to change. She refuses to stop writing and quit her job. Why would you wish to continue such humiliation and disrespect?

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