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Why is he back in my head?

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Hi guys


I need some more advice - A few of you may know my predicament with the guy I was having a casual fling with, but who I fell for.


Well I spoke to him and we sorted it out - He told me he didnt want to get into a big relationship as he wants to do things and being in a relationship would stop him.


So I was feeling fine about it after getting over the initial upset - I wasnt thinking about him, the obsessing stopped and I was dealing with it fine.


Then last night I am driving and I see him, I wave and he waves back. I knew he was on his way to work and he normally drives there. So when I get indoors I go into my bedroom and start to get undressed and as i look out of the wondow he is walking past my house! Now to walk past my house from where he lives is the long way around ....... So why did he do this? He then looks back at my house as he is walking, it was like he couldnt resist the urge to look up. I rang him and said that if I had known he was walking I would have offered him a lift and we had a joke about and spoke until he arrived at work.


Now I am back to thinking about him and over-analysing why he went out of his way to walk past here.


Oh I wish I didnt like him so much!!!!!!!!!

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Lishy, Lishy, Lishy... I already told you how to get your mind off the dude.:love:


When do you arrive? I can pick you up at the airport.

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