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Wondering if any of you can help me out. I been dating this girl for 2 years we been bestfriends, great sex and had a lot of fun. She left to Australia for 4 and half months then she lost feelings for me. She is not longer in love, wants to stay single for a while and wants us to still stay friends she still considers me her best friend. Yet I want a bit more, I was wondering what I should do, do I still hangout with her maybe she will get used to me when she sees how much fun we can have together. Or do I leave her alone period. We got off to an ugly start since it was her who dumped me. She knows that I love her still and wants to do anything except for sex. Any suggestions? I know I am looking for other girls in the meantime but with new years coming up I do not want to stay single and it looks like I might. I was wondering if she gets used back to me this might workout and she will want to be more then just friends. Am I just wasting my time? I will implement no contact with her unless she initates it from now on I been doing a lot of contacting last week but I feel she needs to do all the work now. She was my first in everything and so I was for her. Maybe I just need to leave her alone for a while then she will find out very soon how fun being single really is. She lives back home with her parents they are very strict.

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Right now, since you want more out of the relationship than she does, she is in control. You can't make her want you again. If she does not desire a relationship with you then that is that.


I would recommend that if you do want to salvage the friendship then don't see her for a while and let your intense feelings cool off. When you are ready to be her friend, even with no possibility of things ever being romantic again, then contact her and hang out. Otherwise you are just in for a lot of heartache.

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Am I just wasting my time?


Yes. If you want more.


Maybe I just need to leave her alone for a while


Good advice. The relationship can't go backward until there are no feelings on both sides. Since you still love her it will not be enough for you to be friends. If she can't understand this then she is selfish and you are better off without her.

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