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Could she be cheating

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I am dating a girl and she has kids the only problem is that she is a bit too "cool" with her kids father who is married and over the weekend I read a text message from him to her ask could he sleep with her and he also wanted to know why I was over.. I tried to decifer her responses but i could not. When I confronted her she told he would tell him to stop but this is the second time this has happen.. She cliams there is nothing between them but I am uncomfortable with the whole situation..Should be worried:(

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I think you have a great deal to worry about. If the roles were reversed do you think she would put up with such crap? This is the second time this has happened. Clearly she must think she is not in a serious relationship since this ex keeps asking to sleep with her and asking why you are over. After the first time all she has to say was for him to knock it off and she is involved with you in a relationship. The fact that she did not say anything gave him the green light to keep trying again. It sounds like she is way too cool with this ex. I would be very wary of getting involved with someone who disrespects you by not saying anything a second time. You don't have to settle for this.

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