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Should I cheat?Do i love her?

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Im 16 and my girlfriend is 16, and lately when I think of her past sexual experiences it make me jealous because I lost my virginity to her.I think that I love her because I tell her all of the time,but I think maybe I just might be blinded by the fact that Im getting so much attention at school because I have a hot girlfriend,and the fact that I have sex with her all the time.I dont know what to do, because Its not like I have an opportunity already there to cheat,but I want to cheat on her.Also it makes me jealous that she has a bunch of older guy friends who are just friends.I constantly think about cheating on her.What should I do?

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Why do you want to cheat on her? Jealousy?:confused:


If you care about her as a person then you wouldn't want to cheat. Take a read through some of the cheating and jealousy threads on this site before you make a decision.

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So you want to cheat on her? What good will come of it if you do? What point is it you want to prove? Go ahead and cheat, and get you a good ol' reputation of a cheater/player. Sounds to me like you're going to anyway because you seem pretty adament about it. The right thing to do would be to break things off with her first if you want to have sex with another.





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I say just break up with her and save her all the heartache of you hurting her!! Then feel free to what you want but break up with her before!!! Good luck:)

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Im 16 and my girlfriend is 16, and lately when I think of her past sexual experiences it make me jealous because I lost my virginity to her.I think that I love her because I tell her all of the time,but I think maybe I just might be blinded by the fact that Im getting so much attention at school because I have a hot girlfriend,and the fact that I have sex with her all the time.I dont know what to do, because Its not like I have an opportunity already there to cheat,but I want to cheat on her.Also it makes me jealous that she has a bunch of older guy friends who are just friends.I constantly think about cheating on her.What should I do?


Why are you even dating? SOunds to me like your mind is not even ready to date. "i get a lot of attention because I have a hot girlfriend...." BIG DEAL!!!!!! Do you even know how to like someone?????????

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I don't know, you sound like a bit of a loser. Or just probably not mature enough for anything to do with relationships. By cheating you'll give her heartache and possibly STDs. So break up with her then do what you want.

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Forget anything that says different. It's a scientific fact. It's normal human behavior to cheat on your spouse. Does that make it right? Not by most people's morals. But that's the truth of it all. It's very evident in our evolutionary history that we started out very promiscuous. Our bodies are made for cheating. Most of the sperm that a human male creates is intended to kill or block the sperm of other men. The penis is the perfect shape to pull already deposited semen from the vagina. I've got news for everyone out there. If your spouse has not already, chances are that the will cheat on you at one point or another. Just stating a statistical fact. Does that mean the don't love you? Maybe, maybe not. Men typically cheat for sex, women cheat for romance or sex, depending on the levels of testoterone/estrogen in their brains. All we can do is learn about our own human behaviors and try to overcome our insticts through sheer willpower. And we can share our stories in these very heathy forums. I'm like any other man. I have a built in instinct to spread my seed as far as I can. Even though I loath the idea of a child being born because of my sexual desire. Not even with my wife. We are on the same page there. That of course does not stop us for enjoying sex. In fact the human species would have probably died out millions of years ago if sex didn't feel good. I love my wife very much. I've been in love before, and chances are that I'll love someone else in the future. I honestly hope that we will stay together forever and I feel like that is not impossible. But like I said the chances are very slim. People change over time, and that isn't depressing to me. There are other fish in the sea, as they say. I've cheated on my wife one time. I've had dozens of other chances to cheat but I backed out of those largely because they were to close to home and I didn't want my wife to find out. Never cheat in your area code (common knowledge among cheating men) but it's hard to resist sometimes. She would be devistated if she found out. When my wife has sex with other men, and she does sometimes when the mood strikes her, I'm ecstatic. I'd want to know all about it. It gets my juices flowing. Why? What juices? Testosterone! A completely 100%, reliable, natural aphrodisiac created in men and women. That's right, the nympho is a woman with more testosterone that the average woman. It also happen to increase the pleasure of sex. In one study on the effects of increased testosterone in women, some of the women actually could not continue the study because they couldn't control their increased sex drives. Back to my wife, if she even sees me hug a female friend, the wrath of fire and brimstone shoots out of her eyes and smacks me across the face. That is human nature as well. Jealousy was no doubt very important for our ancestral mothers in order to successfully raise their children, and it's very strong in men as well. Don't want your man to spread is child rearing resources as far as he can spread his seed. Now my point here is that even though we never want any kids, we have a great relationship emotionally, and we both study human sexuallity and behavior, she still is a crazy jealous girlfriend. Go figure. Brain chemicals can make you behave very strange, and if you love someone, the only thing you can do is talk about these issues. When my wife asks me if I have any interest in sleeping with other girls, my answer is hell yes. But I value our relationship enough to obstain. Most of the time.

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Wheather its a scientific fact or not, its also a choice. Its a choice to keep your d*ck in your pants, or let it parade around to whomever it can find. If he wants to cheat then he probably will. But most people with decent morals will at least break things off with someone if they feel its not a fixable situation before moving on to another.





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