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When Is Divorce Okay?

Mistaken Identity

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That you went to marriage counseling and it was working !!When you have tried everything humanly possible in the marriage and both of you have tried the best to your ability and found that there was no other step to take besides divorce !!

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I agree with Lilmoma.. and would like to add that we all have our breaking points and have to know when to call it quits.


I tried and tried until I finally realized that a marriage doesn't work with only one.

Then I used the counseling to get me out of the marriage instead of keeping me in it.

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Well, for me...


I'm at the point of sticking it out until the wife says that she's done for sure. I tried and tried - all by "myself" to save "us".




Now I've given it completely to God and am praying a bunch. We're going to try this: she comes over after work and "we" spend time with the kids doing homework, family time, dinner, put the kids to bed and then she goes home. If at the end of a pre-determined period of time she feels comfortable enough with being around "me" (basically meaning she wants to try) then we're going to spend a pre-determined period of time working, seriously, on us (she moves in - dates - hopefully marriage counseling - etc.


However, if she decides not to then at this point I tell her that I want it to work out - but also that I want it all. If she does not want to try at this point then it is time to move on.

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i'm going so far as to agree to an "amicable" separation with my wife...


it's funny , she has been closer to me in the last 2 months than ever, but my therapist says SO WHAT!!!! she still doesnt love you..


in the end, i have faith in myself that i will know i've gone to far...all my family and friends think she is stepping all over me, but right now i feel like i have the strength to carry on and do whatever it takes to keep our family together..


at the same time, preparing myself for the very real possibility that we are on the path to divorce...


so my answer is...i beleive you will just know...

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