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How to say yes?


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How do I say yes to a proposal? I love my guy more than anything but sometimes when I tell him this he says it does not sound sincere. I know that my voice does get a little funny but I do love this man. How do I express my YES sincerely? I want this to be a great day in his life also....

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I have been wondering this all day, it's nice to see I'm not the only one!! I'll put it like this... I have not seen my guy all day, and he told me he would see me at 8:00 sharp, and to make sure I was alone.... We were looking at rings and now he's being very wierd.... My mom has already prepared me for the fact that he may propose... okay he just called me to tell me that he'll be here soon, he's doing some Christmas shopping... I guess my best answer to this after a day of soul searching is to just not think about it. The most natural, surprised response is probably the best. Just say whatever comes into your heart at the time. You'll be surprised at how romantic you can be when the time comes.... Saying that, let's hope I can follow my own advice tonight.

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