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Really confusing, I like a girl but don't have a clue if she likes me...

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Here's the story, this girl that I've known for about 3 years liked me a lot about 2 yrs ago, I never asked her out b/c I'm shy. So she went out with another guy and broke up with him a few months ago. I asked her out a few days after she broke up with him, but she thought I was just asking her to hangout, and she went out with another guy. I told her I was asking her out and she told me that she was sorry and didn't know.


In the halls, at school, we always looked and smiled at eachother and said hi. I guess she just thought I was just being friendly. But after I told her I was asking her out , she would look at me and when we made eye contact she'd look away real fast. Then after about a week she started smiling at me again, and then a few weeks later she started ignoring me. It was like she kept changing her mind.


I thought she didn't like me anymore so I stopped looking at her at her in the halls. Then, I guess she noticed, and started making eye contact with me in the halls and saying hi to me again.


Does anyone think she still likes me or is just screwing with me? Honestly I tried forgetting about her, but as I'm sure some of you would know that ain't the easiest thing to do, especially if there's a small chance of them still liking you......And ya, I do know that I'm crazy and stupid for this crap.....

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Hmmm, I don't know, that is confusing behavior but then again your behaviour is confusing also. Perhaps she is shy as well. Maybe she is waiting for you to ask her out again, after all, you did reject her two years ago. If I was in her shoes I probably wouldn't put myself out there again unless I had a strong indication from you that you were interested. Ask her out again and see if she bites.

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If I were you, I'd feel more confident asking her out if she did more than smile and make eye contact in the halls. I think you need a bit more information before you ask her. Maybe try talking to her, hanging out a bit and see if there is a connection.

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