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Male Breast Reduction

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For a majority of my life, I've been overweight. At the age of 18 I weighted 288 pounds. Of course I was depressed about the way I looked, I hated how my body looked and it brought me down because I didn't wear normal clothing, clothing that looked good. Instead I wore what would hide my fat or made me look thinner.


Well, finally got to me and I said screw it I'm dieting. I lost 80 pounds now and believe me, I'm happier than every and happy with how I look. One thing though. I have male breats, whether caused by fat or a condition that effects over 40% of male population called Gynecomastia.


I'm totally embarassed by them, they're huge and stick out really far. I begin to be happy about the way i look, but then I see these boobs sticking out of my chest and totally brings me down.


I don't think anyone could understand the saddness I go though having such things hanging off my chest. I wear better clothes, but I must avoid some because my man boobs really stick out.


Nobody in my family knows how bad this gets to me, it really brings me down and I never go out anywhere hardly because it's embarassing and I cannot stand having them.


For a good part of my life these man boobs effected me, I always said "If it wasn't for the boobs, I'd be happy with how I look".


When I began dieting, I thought I would lose these.. but to my surprise they're still there and same size and now I'm more depressed now than ever because I don't feel I will ever get rid of them.


I'm only 20, live with my parents in which aren't understanding. I couldn't make them understand how I feel and hwo this effects me even if I told them directly to their face over and over. They're not the type of people that cares, in fact they'd laugh and say it's just cause my weight.


Regardless, these boobs really brings me down. They make my life hell, I really want to wear normal clothes but I refuse to until they're gone.


I recently found out about a Plastic Surgery Center in a metro town no more than 3 hours away or so. To my suprise they accept the insurance I'm covered with. So I'm sure insurance would pay, maybe I'm wrong?


My dream and what would make me feel 100% better about myself is to be able to go and have male breast reduction done. It's all I want, I don't want to take off my shirt and see tits anymore. I want a flat chest.


I honestly don't think my parents woudl go for it thinking they'll magically disappear. How can I talk to my thick skulled parents that doesn't seem to care? What can I do? I'm so desprate and just feel like grabbing a knife and chopping them off myself.

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it sounds like you are having a difficult time with body image and how you feel about your body image. none of us fat or thin are really satisfied with their body image. how did you come to feel so sad and depressed about your breasts. have you gone through ridicule about them by others. maybe some of your feelings about your breasts are also related to your general feelings about having been overweight and having to hide. but you should be commended for the discipline it took to lose the weight. the idea of going for plastic surgery sounds good. whether or not your parents understand maybe you need to think about your being a separate person from them and doing what is best for you. we all want our parents approval but sometimes we have to do what is best for us no matter what anyone else thinks. it sounds like you want your parents to understand and it sounds frustrating that they are not as concerned about your situation as you are. maybe you could tell them that you need them to understand and care about your situation and not dismiss it. you say you want to cut off your boobs but that would only be hurting yourself more why not look more into the plastic surgery center give them a call and see if they take your insurance. an make plans from there hope this helps

For a majority of my life, I've been overweight. At the age of 18 I weighted 288 pounds. Of course I was depressed about the way I looked, I hated how my body looked and it brought me down because I didn't wear normal clothing, clothing that looked good. Instead I wore what would hide my fat or made me look thinner. Well, finally got to me and I said screw it I'm dieting. I lost 80 pounds now and believe me, I'm happier than every and happy with how I look. One thing though. I have male breats, whether caused by fat or a condition that effects over 40% of male population called Gynecomastia.


I'm totally embarassed by them, they're huge and stick out really far. I begin to be happy about the way i look, but then I see these boobs sticking out of my chest and totally brings me down. I don't think anyone could understand the saddness I go though having such things hanging off my chest. I wear better clothes, but I must avoid some because my man boobs really stick out.


Nobody in my family knows how bad this gets to me, it really brings me down and I never go out anywhere hardly because it's embarassing and I cannot stand having them. For a good part of my life these man boobs effected me, I always said "If it wasn't for the boobs, I'd be happy with how I look".


When I began dieting, I thought I would lose these.. but to my surprise they're still there and same size and now I'm more depressed now than ever because I don't feel I will ever get rid of them. I'm only 20, live with my parents in which aren't understanding. I couldn't make them understand how I feel and hwo this effects me even if I told them directly to their face over and over. They're not the type of people that cares, in fact they'd laugh and say it's just cause my weight. Regardless, these boobs really brings me down. They make my life hell, I really want to wear normal clothes but I refuse to until they're gone. I recently found out about a Plastic Surgery Center in a metro town no more than 3 hours away or so. To my suprise they accept the insurance I'm covered with. So I'm sure insurance would pay, maybe I'm wrong? My dream and what would make me feel 100% better about myself is to be able to go and have male breast reduction done. It's all I want, I don't want to take off my shirt and see tits anymore. I want a flat chest. I honestly don't think my parents woudl go for it thinking they'll magically disappear. How can I talk to my thick skulled parents that doesn't seem to care? What can I do? I'm so desprate and just feel like grabbing a knife and chopping them off myself.

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The thing is, I'm satisfied with the rest of my body. I've been dieting and my stomach is becoming flat and I'm losing so much weight. But then I get to my chest and I have these boobs hanging off.


It's just having man boobs that are huge that brings me down, all I want is for them to be gone and have a flat chest. In the past people has said stuff about them, but not extreme things.


It's just they're there, they're big and I don't like em. I feel embarassed, and I know that looks plays a big role when it comes to a relationship. I haven't been with anyone at all in 5 years and when I do I don't want to have to try and explain why I have huge man tits.


The feelings I had about being overweight no more than 2 years ago pretty much faded as I lost 80 pounds. I no longer worry about my stomach, my rolls. Just the tits bothers me, and they do so big time. I no longer feel the need to hide my stomach like i use to, I do wear what will hide my tits.


I agree with having to do things on our own, but first of all I am covered on my parents insurance policy and I'm not sure how much it would cover. Plus, I honestly don't have $1,000 or so to spend to cover whatever else.


As for the cutting my boobs off, that was only a joke :) I wouldn't do that. The thing is I'm only 20, I don't nkow jack about insurance policy. The insurance card my parents has says it's CareMart, but also has FMH Benefit Services Inc listed on it as well as WPPA, and on this website for this plastic surgery place it lists what insurances covers it and lists: WPPA (Wichita Preferred Provider Association)


So I don't know what my card is, it has 3 diff. names on it and don't know what to go by.

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what do you want to happen about all of this. from what you say it sounds like you want to have the breast reduction surgery and if that is what you want and what would make you happy then go for it. it would be easy to find out about the insurance and what they cover usually the cards have an 800# and yoou can call and ask whatever questions you want. i agree for most of us looks are a part of a relationship but the person who you are is also important. most of us are not perfect so we all have something about our bodies that we do not like, but i have found the thing that i disliked the most given a supportive and understanding partner might be a part of what is most appealing to someone else. begin to view yourself as more than your man boobs and for the person who you are and maybe you would feel more like dating or getting into a relationship. we all have to explain one thing or another to someone else about ourselves and its all part of being who we are. hope you come up with a solution to your situation and do and get what you want.

The thing is, I'm satisfied with the rest of my body. I've been dieting and my stomach is becoming flat and I'm losing so much weight. But then I get to my chest and I have these boobs hanging off. It's just having man boobs that are huge that brings me down, all I want is for them to be gone and have a flat chest. In the past people has said stuff about them, but not extreme things.


It's just they're there, they're big and I don't like em. I feel embarassed, and I know that looks plays a big role when it comes to a relationship. I haven't been with anyone at all in 5 years and when I do I don't want to have to try and explain why I have huge man tits. The feelings I had about being overweight no more than 2 years ago pretty much faded as I lost 80 pounds. I no longer worry about my stomach, my rolls. Just the tits bothers me, and they do so big time. I no longer feel the need to hide my stomach like i use to, I do wear what will hide my tits. I agree with having to do things on our own, but first of all I am covered on my parents insurance policy and I'm not sure how much it would cover. Plus, I honestly don't have $1,000 or so to spend to cover whatever else. As for the cutting my boobs off, that was only a joke :) I wouldn't do that. The thing is I'm only 20, I don't nkow jack about insurance policy. The insurance card my parents has says it's CareMart, but also has FMH Benefit Services Inc listed on it as well as WPPA, and on this website for this plastic surgery place it lists what insurances covers it and lists: WPPA (Wichita Preferred Provider Association) So I don't know what my card is, it has 3 diff. names on it and don't know what to go by.

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I'm sorry that you're having to go through all of this. CONGRATULATIONS for having lost all that weight, God that's SUPER!! You should be so proud of yourself :-)


As for Gynecomastia, yes....40% of males DO have it (I'm an RN and have seen several over the years).


My suggestion to you would be to make an appointment at the Plastic Surgery Clinic...for a "consultation"......better yet, GO there "with" the Insurance card you have.......they'll know which insurance companies they deal with, etc. Ask if you can book an initial consultation....just so that you can see the plastic surgeon, get him to tell you what the surgery entails, the risks, the recovery, etc.....explain to him that your parents aren't very 'understanding' about all this.......and what does he suggest?


ALSO...keep in mind that just becuz someone's calls themself a Plastic Surgeon, that doesn't necessarily mean they are a "BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON".......If you've ever watched any shows like Dateline or 48 Hours or those kind of documentary shows, they've brought to light that just because someone calls themself a plastic surgeon, that means nothing. Again, they MUST be BOARD CERTIFIED.


You surely don't want 'just anyone' doing a breast reduction on you.....I've heard horror stories in women, about botched jobs, horrible disfiguring scarring, etc etc.


It sure would be better if you had your parent's support on this....then they could also help you FIND the best plastic surgeon for the job (check recommendations, references, etc). Afterall, it's not really like you can do this without them knowing, I don't think...seeing how the Card is in their name, NO?


You could also considering doing this.......consider making an appointment with a Psychologist ........just to discuss how bad your feel/your self image, due to this problem you have.....and explain that your parents just don't understand...and it's frustrating you, and what can you do to get through to them/get their support, etc........maybe the Psychologist could even write a letter to your parents, on your behalf...explaining how you feel. Sometimes things sink in more when they come from a big shot (LOL). Ya know?


I wonder, also, if there are any Message Boards/Forums for men out there who are suffering with gynecomastia? Have you looked? Try doing a search on Google for : gynecomastia forum , or gynecomastia message board , or support group, etc.


If nothing else, too, you could start off by going to your family doctor and discussing this all with him....see if HE can recommend a good plastic surgeon.......see if maybe he could help you in dealing with your parents??


Hope this helps, Please let us know what you decide and how things go....best of luck!!



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Well if it makes you feel better, you sound hella hot! i love big guys they are sexxxie as hell, especially in the mid 200's, and i'm being totally serious. Anyway you could always send me an e-mail at <e-mail address removed>. i don't bite.

For a majority of my life, I've been overweight. At the age of 18 I weighted 288 pounds. Of course I was depressed about the way I looked, I hated how my body looked and it brought me down because I didn't wear normal clothing, clothing that looked good. Instead I wore what would hide my fat or made me look thinner. Well, finally got to me and I said screw it I'm dieting. I lost 80 pounds now and believe me, I'm happier than every and happy with how I look. One thing though. I have male breats, whether caused by fat or a condition that effects over 40% of male population called Gynecomastia.


I'm totally embarassed by them, they're huge and stick out really far. I begin to be happy about the way i look, but then I see these boobs sticking out of my chest and totally brings me down. I don't think anyone could understand the saddness I go though having such things hanging off my chest. I wear better clothes, but I must avoid some because my man boobs really stick out.


Nobody in my family knows how bad this gets to me, it really brings me down and I never go out anywhere hardly because it's embarassing and I cannot stand having them. For a good part of my life these man boobs effected me, I always said "If it wasn't for the boobs, I'd be happy with how I look".


When I began dieting, I thought I would lose these.. but to my surprise they're still there and same size and now I'm more depressed now than ever because I don't feel I will ever get rid of them. I'm only 20, live with my parents in which aren't understanding. I couldn't make them understand how I feel and hwo this effects me even if I told them directly to their face over and over. They're not the type of people that cares, in fact they'd laugh and say it's just cause my weight. Regardless, these boobs really brings me down. They make my life hell, I really want to wear normal clothes but I refuse to until they're gone. I recently found out about a Plastic Surgery Center in a metro town no more than 3 hours away or so. To my suprise they accept the insurance I'm covered with. So I'm sure insurance would pay, maybe I'm wrong? My dream and what would make me feel 100% better about myself is to be able to go and have male breast reduction done. It's all I want, I don't want to take off my shirt and see tits anymore. I want a flat chest. I honestly don't think my parents woudl go for it thinking they'll magically disappear. How can I talk to my thick skulled parents that doesn't seem to care? What can I do? I'm so desprate and just feel like grabbing a knife and chopping them off myself.

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