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I am a 23/Female and I love sex, maybe a little too much. At a party recently I ended up doing 4 guys. This is the most in one night, but I'm no stranger to multiple partners. I've had multitudes of sex partners. Is this normal?

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No, it's not normal to "do" four guys at one party in one night but who cares if you had fun and you didn't catch AIDs.


As for having multitudes of sex partners, I think that's great if you didn't catch any life threatening diseases...or spread any STD's around. It's sad that you find it necessary to tell the world. Some things should be kept private, in my opinion.


I'm not sure about what it will do for your reputation, if you care about that. Of course, it may not affect that one way or the other. It sounds like you are proud of your promiscuity.

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I am a 23/Female and I love sex, maybe a

little too much. At a party recently I ended up doing 4 guys. This is the most in one night, but I'm no stranger to multiple partners. I've had multitudes of sex partners. Is this normal?

I cannot tell you if you are normal. What is normal for me may not be normal for you. I can tell you what I think or how I feel about your behavior, but that has nothing to do with what is normal. So here is my opinion....


Most people love to have sex. Many people have had a multitude of sex partners. A lot of people have had multiple partners in the same day or night. A lot of people have had sex with more than one partner at the same time (group sex).


I don't think your major concern should be whether you are normal or not. What is probably more important is the consequences of living the way you are right now. How this type of behavior will affect your life in the future.


Your reputation, health and self esteem are at great risk.


If you ever become interested in being monogamous, you will probably have to move to another town or maybe even another state or country depending on how far your reputation precedes you.


Having a multitude of partners puts you at great risk for becoming infected with some type of STD. Possibly an STD that cannot be cured and could ultimately cause your death.


Exposing yourself to this kind of danger is nothing less than self destructive. This could be an indication of lack of self worth. Putting yourself at risk like this generally shows that you do not care about yourself or those you have sex with.


I don't know if you are normal, but you are certainly taking a lot of risks that may, one day, come back to haunt you.

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I seriously doubt this post is for real. But I, as you, answered it anyway...on the outside chance. The world is strange.

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Doing four guys at a single party is not unusual... provided you're a prostitute and the aforementioned guys are all paying customers.


If you're not a prostitute, then yes, one would consider four guys in one night to be three guys over the respectable limit. Now, assuming your post is not a joke, I'll make an effort to respond -- despite being totally mystified. Here goes...


It's not unusual to have a very strong interest in sex, especially at 23. Heck, it's not unusual to have an insatiable appetite for sex at that age. It's not unusual to fantasize about shaggin' every good-looking guy you see, or to flirt like crazy with said guys. It IS unusual to actually sleep with all of them, one after the other.


Do you have any idea how dangerous that is, even with protection? Condoms aren't 100% reliable. "Reduce the risk" doesn't mean "prevent the risk", and by sleeping with that many people you're taking such a COLOSSAL risk that condoms don't reduce the risk ENOUGH. The odds will catch up with you, if they haven't already, and I'd hate to see you develop AIDS or cervical cancer because you were so incredibly careless about throwing yourself at people.


The problem is not that you love sex. The problem is you evidently have NO self-control. You'll doubtless draw plenty of other responses to your post, so I'll cut mine off here. I really am baffled, so I have nothing more to add.




I am a 23/Female and I love sex, maybe a little too much. At a party recently I ended up doing 4 guys. This is the most in one night, but I'm no stranger to multiple partners. I've had multitudes of sex partners. Is this normal?
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hi dawn, (is your name in reference to getting a rise out of people????),


4 guys in *one night*.....phwoar, i don't know what to say. how long did this party go for? did you actually get to party with friends? was it a swinger's party or something???


i can't say if it's normal or not. it certainly aint normal behaviour for me, but it obviously is for you. i don't think you could say there is a norm when it comes to sex. you just have to make sure you're careful and think about what you're getting yourself into.


the thing that concerns me here, (assuming this post is legitimate....it sounds so scary), is:


a) the use of protection against unwanted pregnancy and std's


i hope to God you are using protection, girl. you are playing russian roulette if you are not. these guys could have anything....you could have anything...anything could be in the process of being passed around left, right and centre as we speak.


have you been tested? you should get tested regularly with habits like that. condoms are not always 100% foolproof.


b) getting a bad reputation around town.


people talk, people judge and people brag. it doesn't take long for word to get around that "(insert guy or girl's name) is an easy lay"....and then the story continues.


this kind of information is constantly being spread by people.


wow....4 guys in one night....do you think you have a sex addiction? this could be seriously hazardous to your health in this day and age.


best wishes and my gosh....be careful. this is quite scary.

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