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I am confused about this guy I met...

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so, guys I met this really cool guy last month. He seems really nice and genuine. I have gone out on a few dates with him..and he seems genuinely interested in me. However some evenings when I call him, he puts his phone on voice mail...and its just so difficult to get a hold of him. I am left wondering if he is out on a date with other girls and I kindda feel jealous....

I guess I am getting attcahed to him and he hasn't really comitted to me , so how does this sorta thing work?

Any ideas????

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If you try to think of it positively maybe his phone died or he's really busy (not with another girl) and turned it off. Or maybe he's rejecting your calls. I would try calling once using *67 so your number doesnt show up or just ask why his phone goes to his voicemail some nights the next time you talk to him.

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let him call you. You are not in a relationship with him--have you two talked about exclusivity? If not, then you two are dating, sometimes. I hope you haven't slept with him yet, before the exclusivity talk. I am guessing, maybe wrongly that you did. If you did, without the exclusivity talk, then, my friend, he's still playing the field. '



We teach people how to treat us. He knows how to get ahold of you, and will do so, when he wants to. Don't put too much pressure on him. Besides, you should be out dating other guys as well, and stop waiting around for his phone calls. Until you two talk about the exclusivity issue, date other men, and don't sleep with him, you are worth more than that.

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Hey jasmine , that's an excellent idea and maybe I'll use it...

Monkeybars, to answer your qns, I haven't slept with him...I haven't even kissed him yet... but its just that connection you feel when you meet someone special and also, when you share great chemistry with them. But, you are right I am not planning to sleep with him, unless there is something exclusive there...

But, I was wondering how do I figure out if he is really into me or just playing with me?

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I was wondering how do I figure out if he is really into me or just playing with me?

Im still trying to figure that out with a lot of guys

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and ask you out...when a man is into you and wants to date you, you do not have to call them and chase after them...you won't be wondering, and waiting. It's been 6 weeks, either the relationship moves forward or doesnt at all.


stop calling him, he knows how to find you.

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If you don't call him, he'll assume you're disinterested.


But if you call him incessantly, he'll figure you for a clinger.


So, do both. Yes, you really can.


"I haven't had much luck getting in touch with you, so if you'd like to hang out, go to dinner or check out a movie, let me know bye (date or timeline).


Hope to hear from you soon!" *click*


If he calls back, great. If not, then so be it. Either way, you know where you stand and you're not guessing or playing insipid little who-should-call-who games.

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If he calls back, great. If not, then so be it. Either way, you know where you stand and you're not guessing or playing insipid little who-should-call-who games.

Precisely. Where is the dilema? You get his voice mail - you leave a message - he calls you back. He doesn't call you back - oh well - you move on.

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