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What road to take


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Here's the latest on my situation: I dated/lived with ex for 7 months, and decided to move out when I noticed he was spending more and more time w/friends, and less w/me. I thought he wanted space, but he wouldn't own up to it. He let me go and ignored me for a few weeks, which I did too, and finally last week he asks me to call him. I waited a day and then called, and he admitted finally that he was going thru a phase and did not want a girlfriend, he just wasn't sure what he wanted and that's why he did not break up, he just let me leave. He also was checking out other women, which he admitted to. OK, so he wasn't ready for commitment or whatever, and I let him go unselfishly, would not want to be with someone who is not into me.


Two nights ago, I sent him a joke via text message just being funny and expected no return message. He sends me messages back including how he was happier with me, how he didn't know why he just let the relationship go down the tubes, that he missed me and still loved me, and he would like to "date" me, and that I wouldn't have to share him with anyone because he has no g/f or potential g/f. I sort of played it off with witty but tactful comebacks and ended the messaging quickly with a "we'll talk later, nite".

I loved this man with all my heart, and seriously had considered him as a life or long term partner, and he broke my heart by not being honest at the time about needing space and sort of "falling out of love." I felt he needed space and was too coward to do the breaking up.


My dilemma here is that a)should I even date him? He obviously does not want to jump back into b/f g/f terms, which is good because neither do I.

He has said from beginning of relationship that when he has a girlfriend, usually after some time he just loses interest in relationship for no reason, and can't explain why. I just didn't think it was happening to us, and it took me by surprise as I really believe we were both happy the whole time.

I am not contacting him until he makes next move, I do not want to jeoporadize any chance, nor do I want to get hurt all over again. Is it really worth the risk? We were best friends throughout the relationship, but after I just couldn't face him out of anger, rejection, and confusion. He also has said he doesn't want to know if I start dating anyone else, as it would hurt him. How can someone let a relationship go so easy, who really has those feelings toward partner? Please, any advice would help!!

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