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Well it started when I met my boyfriend 3 yrs ago and have been so in love with him since. We are young and Im sure he is confused with being with me so long and getting ready to move for the marines. It made him act crazy towards me . Kinda like he was wanting to leave being upset with me instead of leaving and keeping us both positive. I think he was hiding his true feelings by making things overwith before he left..Anyway I have not heard from him and we left on very bad terms. Including a huge fight and not a goodbye the right way. He has been gone 2 weeks next monday. What do I do. I love him so much and this is killing me inside and out. I wana hear from him so bad just to hear what he has to say about the way he left...Any advice anyone???

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There's nothing you can do right now to talk to him. If he wants to call you, he will. But don't wait around. Do whatever you have to do to get your mind off of him, and stay busy.


Go hang out with your girl friends, family, or siblings (if you have any). Go out and do activities that you enjoy doing. Get your mind off of him.


I'm sorry that this did not work out, but you can't make him call you. If you have a contact number, you can try that, but it may not resolve anything. Let him get in touch with you. Meanwhile, forget about him.

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Oh that's really too bad. You may well be right that he was struggling to handle all the emotions he felt about leaving home and you and starting his new life in the Marines. Nevertheless I think at this point you need to put it aside and move on with your own life. I was in a long-distance relationship for more than 2 years and it is definitely not easy. So even if you're right and he didn't mean to make things bad between you, even if deep down he still wants to be with you, the current prognosis doesn't look good. Long-distance relationships take a lot of dedication and large amounts of maturity and emotional generosity, not to mention independence, in order to work. Your ex sounds like he's quite young and probably has a lot of growing up to do -- which is perfectly fine. But it's not promising for a long-distance relationship.


I'm sorry you're so unhappy, break-ups are almost always tough. Spend time with your friends, focus on your own career or school as much as you can. Try not to wait for him to get in touch with you -- you may be waiting for quite a while and not moving on in the meantime. And who knows what he'll say when and if he does contact you? It might not be what you were hoping to hear ... so it really does seem like the best thing you can do is to move on.


Good luck.

Well it started when I met my boyfriend 3 yrs ago and have been so in love with him since. We are young and Im sure he is confused with being with me so long and getting ready to move for the marines. It made him act crazy towards me . Kinda like he was wanting to leave being upset with me instead of leaving and keeping us both positive. I think he was hiding his true feelings by making things overwith before he left..Anyway I have not heard from him and we left on very bad terms. Including a huge fight and not a goodbye the right way. He has been gone 2 weeks next monday. What do I do. I love him so much and this is killing me inside and out. I wana hear from him so bad just to hear what he has to say about the way he left...Any advice anyone???
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