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Advice please :/

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There's this girl I knew since elementary school. She used to live down my block and we were pretty good friends. She moved away from my middle school. She moved backed to my highschool 2 yrs ago. We only started talking last year and she liked me. She liked me january to june. I didn't find out till july she liked me. I liked her and she liked me over the sumemr we hung out and hooked up serveral times. She asked me out in september and I said no because I didn't trust her and that it would ruin our friendship after. She hooked up with two other guys over the summer we weren't going out or anything I just got annoyed bc she yelled at one of my friends who's a girl that hugged me. After she asked me out she moved on with some foreign exchange student. After 2 weeks she said it didn't work out or w/e and we hooked up one other time and started hanging out. She then told me she only lied me a friend. I talked to her but became a bit distant. Recently, about a week ago, she started calling me and iming me and saying I love you to me. And on her away message it would be like I love mike. She asked me one ngiht where I was going and I told her. She then asked any girls? I told her no, I like you. She then said she only lied me as a friend and I told her that she shouldn't of led me on and I need time 2 get over her. 2 days ago she called me up crying saying she wished she didn't move on and say's I'm very importatn and want's to stay friends. I told her I do too but I need to move on first. She said I'll talk to you later I guess, sadly. Her away messages have been things liek this isn't right.. or like pretty gay :/. I just think she has feelings for me but theres some reason why she won't allow anything to happen. It's been a week since we haven't talked just a hey in school. I want her to like me again but there's no way I can without talking to her. I think if I talk to her too much I'll annoy her. I just want her to like me somehow I don't know :( Any advice? I still have been n/c but she's starting to move on even being friends now and I want to apologize for not talking to her, but I don't know what to do please give me your input, btw I'm 16 and she's 17 (weirdo left back birthday).

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Even though you think that this girl is your biggest problem at the moment, you need to think further, take this from someone who is much older than you. I won't give you any more advice on how to proceed further with this girl, because I think she's just going to mess you up more and preventing you from developing and growing. She has a very bad influence on you and I think if you continue hanging out with her, she will suck you into her messy little world. You're too young and emotionally not mature enough to handle a difficult case like her.


Cut off contact with her and when she tries to contact you, explain to her in a very friendly way that you want to concentrate on school and that she is creating too much stress in your life. You don't know what she wants and it looks like she doesn't know what she wants either.


I know this is not the advice that you're hoping for, but really, trust people who have experienced more than you and who have seen similar situations in their life.


Further I think you might want to work a bit on yourself, on your self-esteem. Change your username to something more positive (you can contact the moderators via the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page and ask them to change it). Become a relaxed and happy person that will naturally attract people. Have goals in your life. Concentrate on schoo. Make more out of yourself than just a dude who spends his life running after some dumb girl. You deserve so much more than a girl who doesn't know what she wants and who is confusing you with saying one thing one moment and another thing the next one.

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