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women...what they say vs. their body language...ugh..why!?

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Women are confusing really...sometimes i dont even know if i should trust their words or what their actions speak.


Anyway this girl im seeing...she hasnt broken up with her bf yet. however me and her having this whole thing going on that seems like we're a couple, talk everyday, kissing, sex, and i know she likes me a lot cause she's told me several times. She says she wants to break up with bf but she doesnt like confrontation, i know how she is and i believe her. We have pretty good communication going on a lot of honesty too.


The other night i was doing it with her, and she says you're a good friend...i reply "friends dont do this kind of stuff."

Ok i wake up that morning and it hit me ....f*** buddy!

But then i think to myself that this whole situation isnt just f*** buddies, it's actually much more than that.


Well anyway since we're not officially exclusive, she has no right to stop me from seeing other women. She even said i should and its ok. I thought cool...


However when i bring up times when women hits on me she seems curious to hear about it. When i look at other women she tries to block my view and the other day i saw a pic of her friends on the table and asked who they were, she took the pic from my hand and put it on the other table. And when the days she knows i go out late with my buddies she txts me to check up on me.

So now if i actually do see other women in the process...who knows if she's going to go psycho on me or live by her words...that its ok for me to see other women.


I know some women can be the worst communicators. I would feel better if she communicated what she really wanted, but apparently she isnt doing that. Do i trust her words or her body language?

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go fvuk other girls you have no reason not to she obviously cant be with 1 person so why is it fair for you not to not that this is healthy but she needs a tase of her own medicine ,, sorry if i was rude but im going thru something similiar myself girls piss me off

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She sounds like one of my friends was a few years back (she's calmed down a lot now). This friend was absolutely addicted to male attention, so having a husband just wasn't enough. She also had to have at least one loyal male admirer. In her case usually they were just friends in that there was no sex...but of course they always had major crushes on her.


She'd be really possessive about these guys. If we were out, and the male friend of the moment, who would tag along, despite her very tolerant husband's presence, showed any interest in me or another woman, there would be always be drama in the ladies. Tears, self-flagellation ("I know I'm a selfish bitch and I have no right to be possessive about him, but...") hugs and declarations of love ("You know you'll always be my best friend"). Obviously alcohol was usually a factor in all the histrionics.


The best thing you can do is take a firm leash over your emotions and avoid getting drawn in too deeply. As for trusting her, I wouldn't advise it.

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Do i trust her words or her body language?

trust in this order:

1) her actions

2) her body language

3) her words

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