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Last night I had what seemed a bit of a disagreement with my GF. Although we have what seems a wonderful relationship, we get on quite well normally, never argue, and are developing a better sexual relationship, I was a little peeved last night because she seemed to be treating me like a child. She was bossy, seemingly impatient, and just didn't seem to relax. This after we had been spending time just talking, joking, and talking about interesting things.


Maybe she is very careful about her sisters property because we have been staying at her apartment 2-3 times a week for the last 3 weeks, but I just simply object to be treated in such a way, I feel being an adult that I should not be treated like a bloody child.


I don't know, I just haven't talked to her today, and I wonder how I should go about letting her know that this is simply childish...are am I childish?. She acknowledges that she can be difficult at times, and we have discussed this. But shouldn't she make an effort to do something about it?.



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There are some people who are just simply moody...a brain chemical thing...and they seem to have little control over it. They are often actually sorry for their uncontrolled mood swings. Sometimes these moods are, in females, due to that time of month.


The only thing you can do is talk to her about this in a very kind, understanding fashion. Don't put her down, but just inquire as to what is going on in her mind when she gets in these moods. Ask her if there is any way she can control them.


If you feel very strongly about this, simply let her know that you will not tolerate unprovoked rudeness. Over time, perhaps you can break her of this. It is best not to engage her when she is in these moods.


It's up to you to decide if you can put up with the final product. She's not likely to change much.

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